Monday, May 31, 2021

Monday, May 31, 2021

 It's been so many years since I posted and so much has happened.  I am determined to keep up the blog better.  I am excited that our new website will allow me to better keep it updated and current as well.  Today I will start by introducing some the horses and dogs we currently have on the farm. We currently have 11 horses and 7dogs (plus Buddy).

Graham, he has been with us maybe 8 years now.  He is a tall, dark bay, TB, gelding.  He was a stallion up until last December.  He loves coming to the gate to welcome everyone and it's a bonus if you have carrots.  He won the Knickerbocker Stakes when he was racing, so he is pretty full of himself, he loves rearing up and trying to bite. 

Brody, he has been with us since he was a yearling about 9 years ago.  He is a bay, Arabian gelding. He was also a stallion until last December.  He hates being caught and on farrier day will only be caught if you take out a bucket of feed and get his halter on before the farrier arrives.  He stands well for his trims, just hates being caught.  He loves his toys and plays with them throughout the day.  He is overweight but just loves eating so much. He's not greedy, he will usually eat his hay, then leave it for a while go rest at the other end of his corral, then finish eating throughout the day.  

Gulch, he is a 15 year old bay, TB gelding.  He too was a stallion until Dec when we decided not to have any Stallions on the property after all these years due to their high maintenance and our caretaker, Jesus, taking care of everyone more often when we travel.  He has horrible feet.  Gets white line and has had his entire front hoof taken off in the past, so our farrier trims every 8 weeks to maintain it the best we can.  It will never look pretty but it's pain free.  He was the most well behaved stallion I have ever had the joy of being around, and continues to be a well mannered gelding.  He is very stocky more like a QH than a tall thin TB like Graham.  He loves his little treats and will "talk" when he knows they are coming. 

Well those are the first three.  I will continue to try to post at least weekly the best I can.  Thank you for reading and "meeting" our animals!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Halo is doing better, he went down again last night.  At around 2am he got another dose of banamine, and hasn't gone down since.  I am very worried about Graham.  He has only drank about a gallon of water in two days.  I started him on a bran mash with electrolytes, but if he won't drink soon he is very susceptible to colic.  It's the weather changes, it's so hard on these guys. I just wish everything would stabilize.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Halo colicd tonight.  Poor baby.  It's so heartbreaking when they are sick.  Gave him some Banamine, Electrolytes, and walked him about 45 minutes.  He's been up an hour or so now.  I think he will pull through without the vet.  He will need to be monitored through the night.  I haven't had a long night for about a month or so, I guess I'm due.  For the love of the horse...

Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

The rain came and it's a mess.  Since the ground was already so wet, everything is a flooded mess.  The horses are doing ok with it.  Careful gets real nervous and has to eat by the others instead of her usual spot and Hope will not come out from the cover, but other than those two, they all hate it but tolerate it.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The rain is supposed to be back tomorrow morning.  It is supposed to be pouring when it's time for breakfast feed.  It won't be that cold, so no need for blankets.  It will just be messy again.  It's still wet from the last rain.  Usually we don't get a lot of rain, but it's supposed to be a wet winter.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My step son and his girlfriend are visiting from Phoenix.  They love the horses and are a big help around the farm. They have been helping feed, clean, and do waters. It seems like it's just a few little things, but it is a huge help.Every little bit helps. I will be sad to see them go. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Hope is already doing a little better.  I think she may always be prone to get diarrhea with any change in diet or surroundings.  It's something that has happened a few times with her and was a constant issue when she was first born.  Knowing a horse from birth helps a lot when knowing how serious a medical or behavior problem is.