Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

Stallions will be Stallions.  I swear anyone who loves horses for just their beauty and the personalities must have a stallion.  There is no greater animal that a stallion. Not only are they the most regal of all animals they are fun.  Graham is such a cool horse!  He is gorgeous. He is athletic.  He is a challenge.  The tree that fell in his stall he is obsessed with. He moved it, I am not kidding he moved it.  I could not budge it, but he moved it off the fence, into his stall.  That silly boy!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Well we made it through the night.  The wind was terrible all night.  It finally slowed down around 8am this morning.  I was worried for the horses and wanted to make sure they were ok, and that we didn't lose any more trees.  Or that any trees hurt the horses.  Everyone made it through just fine!  Thank goodness.  The Mommy didn't sleep much, but at least everyone is safe.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Happy birthday to my human son, Chico.  The wind continues.  It's dangerous at this point.  Winds of 25 mph.  We have downed trees.  One in Graham's stall.  One fell on the truck and broke the mirror.  I moved our cars to the middle of the property.  It's almost scary.  I will be checking on things through the night.

Friday, November 21, 2014

It's very windy here at the farm.  The wind is the hardest on the horses.  Worse than rain or snow.  Not only does it blow the dirt in their faces and eyes, it blows their hay all over the place and worst yet it scares them.  I hope it ends soon.  It's also hard on the humans, it's very hard to do chores when it's very windy. Hope the cold air blows in, the warm air out and we can stabilize soon.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Well the Mule is working...for now.  The new battery didn't work at first.  Freddie cleaned everything off and it started, I just hope it keeps starting.  The lawn tractor is just not practical to use in feeding 18 horses.  It will not idle, so every time you get off to dump hay it turns off.  Rader is still at the farm.  Man that colt loves carrots, he talks more than anyone else at carrot time. Hope he get's to go to his new family soon, but we are enjoying him while he's still at SCR.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Muley broke down.  Muley is our Kawasaki Mule that we use to feed and clean.  Without it life is so much more difficult.  We have a lawn tractor, but it is slow and not as efficient as muley is.  Going to be a long couple of weeks before we can get it looked at.  The horses won't feel a thing, but the humans definitely will.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Dream is doing much better.  She is still a little sore, but much better.  What a sweet mare she is.  It's so hard to see any of your kids in pain, but it being a hoof problem and that being Penny's mom, I was a little panicked.  Such a relief she is healing!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

Dream is still a little lame but doing much better.  Careful Thought is doing good. Hope has been a spoiled brat the last few days.  She thinks it is her right to be able to eat the grain out of the bucket at each end.  She now eats at he west end, then runs to the east end to meet you at the gate to steal a bite of grain, before Fancy eats it.  Little brat!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Graham was amazing today.  What a smart boy.  He took to lunging very well.  Had a hard time going right, but was able to start going right and even trotted a bit.  He walked over perfectly and stood in the cross ties well.  I think he's enjoying the attention as much as I am giving it to him.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014

I finally did it.  I saddled Graham today.  He did excellent.  What a gorgeous boy under saddle.  I think he wanted to race.  He started calling and the look in his eye said bring it on.  He got excited, it's as if he wanted to run again, he missed working.  I hope he loves his new career as a jumper as much as he loved racing.  He is so athletic I know he will be amazing, I'm the only one that can hold him back!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Got home tonight, Dream is lame on her front left.  I run out pick up her hoof, she has a rock and a small wire stuck into her frog.  I took care of it, gave her some butte; and I hope she feels better soon.  Dream is such a gentle mare.  reminds me so much of Penny.  She does whatever I ask of her.  What a sweet girl she is, I hope she feels better soon.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

After a stressful day at work, I come home and all the kids were just perfect.  Everyone was happy.  Careful's leg was doing well.  The pasture horses are great, drinking enough healthy, called to me when they saw me.  Hope wanted some attention today, she tells you when she needs some extra love and will go out of her way to get you to rub on her.  What a good way to end my day!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

It was really windy last night at feeding time.  Apparently the feed buckets in the pasture come alive when it is windy, lol.  Star and Dream would not eat out of their feeders.  They were trying to get the blowing hay from Duette and Robyn.  I finally had to go get their flakes and throw them on the ground near the other girls.  These kids are so silly sometimes.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veteran's Day.  What a beautiful day we woke up to.  A small breeze, chilly, but not cold.  We were expecting a new horse this week.  He was adopted out years ago by another organization SCR works closely with.  His new owner had moved to NY and was boarding him at a facility that was not taking care of him.  SCR opened our doors, however his original breeder has agreed to take him back.  We love breeders and owners that take responsibility for their animals throughout their life.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

It hasn't been too cold the last couple days and the flies are back.  Seriously mid November and I had to pull out the fly spray.  Woke up to no electric, which means no water.  Everyone has enough to get them through the day, filling buckets tonight will just take a little longer.  Electric should be back on by 11am.  According to SCE it was power lines down due to a car accident.  People need to seriously slow down. Glad we won't be without electric for too long.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Well Rader is still here, not sure why the transport didn't pick up, but we will keep him here till they are ready for him in Bakersfield, he's a doll to have around the barn.  Easy day around the farm, collected the fly masks to wash and store for next year (didn't wash yet, that will come later in the week).  Need to order hay on Monday.  One thing the kids are good at is eating. No one at SCR will ever be hungry!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Spent quality time with everyone toady.  Dragged the boys areas, not Careful.  He leg has been bothering her lately and it makes her nervous when I drag or when I put her in a stall, so better leave her alone for now.  The ground squirrels stole my purple halter, like seriously gone.  I need to go into the dirt field to search for it.  Penny's tree is full of yellow flowers, made my day!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Gulch is getting sick of being by himself.  He hasn't had a horse next to him since Lil Andy passed and I think he is lonely.  We are looking to move people around, but for now I try to spend a little extra time with him each day.  I have been putting Tea Tree Oil on his hoofs, heard they make them stronger.  He also loves to play the game where he will not let me out of his staff after I clean it.  He will not budge.  I try to tap his butt, tell him to move, nothing works.  He will move one inch so I can squeeze the poop bucket by.  I swear stallions are the most playful, silly animals!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Started feeding Graham on the ground when I can.  He always paces by his feeder at feed time and is digging quite the hole.  I hate for him to eat with his butt in the air and head in the feeder.  I think even though I hate ground feeding it is a more natural position and therefore he will benefit.  I can always feed psyllium to curb any dirt intake.Daily we try new things and look at every horse, their behavior, and look at what they may need.  Nothing is ever set in stone, things change daily at SCR. We must keep up with the changes the horses show and tell us, and respond.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Looks like Rader is staying a couple more days.  His new transport day is Sunday.  Graham and Brody love their buddy; I know they are happy he is still here.  The horses love the cool weather.  Everyone is doing really good and are drinking like they should.  The 5 pasture horses and Duette/ Robyn are actually drinking a lot.  No electrolytes needed yet, everyone is doing exactly what they are supposed to.  What a relief. The cool weather is nice but you always have to watch water intake, so far my kids are champs!

Tuesday, November 4,2014

Rader was supposed to leave to his new home yesterday, but transport was postponed.  It's hard to see them leave. Rader has colic'd once since he's been here and it was pretty bad.  You get very emotionally attached when you go through something like that with them.  You just have to know that for every open stall you make room for another in need, another that will touch you and a difference in their life you will make.  Rader is going onto a new life to be a Daddy.  He has a great temperament and great racing bloodlines.  I am happy for him and his new family, whenever he leaves SCR.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Life on the farm is back to normal after a "vacation" weekend.  The kids are happy to be back and schedule.  The Peahens are glad they are not in bed by the time we feed.  Dream and Star are happily back in their own feeding spots at meal time.  Mom is slowly getting back to reality and out of vacation mode.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

No Lazy day Sunday.  Drug the boys area, worked with Hope a little, worked on Grahams stall; and Freddie did all the waters. That's just the short list.  Had to get stuff done since we have been at the races for the last two days.  Trying to do 2 days worth of chores around here in one day is a lot of work.  No football for the humans today!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day two of Breeder's Cup, hooray for the humans, the kids are not thrilled to eat at 7pm at night.  Dream was so upset last night, she had to take a bite of Star's hay fast before Star got to it.  Dream never does that, she knows her place in the herd.  Everyone else is fine.  No colics or anything like that, which sometimes happens when they get thrown off their routine.  Would be very awesome to see Hope at SA in 2016!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Breeder's Cup starts today.  So glad it's being held at Santa Anita, this means we can enjoy a day of Championship Races and still come home to our kids each evening. The kids will not be happy to eat after dark, but we fed a little late in the morning, so they should be fine.  Wishing all the horses and jockeys a safe trip today.