Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Halo is doing better, he went down again last night.  At around 2am he got another dose of banamine, and hasn't gone down since.  I am very worried about Graham.  He has only drank about a gallon of water in two days.  I started him on a bran mash with electrolytes, but if he won't drink soon he is very susceptible to colic.  It's the weather changes, it's so hard on these guys. I just wish everything would stabilize.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Halo colicd tonight.  Poor baby.  It's so heartbreaking when they are sick.  Gave him some Banamine, Electrolytes, and walked him about 45 minutes.  He's been up an hour or so now.  I think he will pull through without the vet.  He will need to be monitored through the night.  I haven't had a long night for about a month or so, I guess I'm due.  For the love of the horse...

Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

The rain came and it's a mess.  Since the ground was already so wet, everything is a flooded mess.  The horses are doing ok with it.  Careful gets real nervous and has to eat by the others instead of her usual spot and Hope will not come out from the cover, but other than those two, they all hate it but tolerate it.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The rain is supposed to be back tomorrow morning.  It is supposed to be pouring when it's time for breakfast feed.  It won't be that cold, so no need for blankets.  It will just be messy again.  It's still wet from the last rain.  Usually we don't get a lot of rain, but it's supposed to be a wet winter.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My step son and his girlfriend are visiting from Phoenix.  They love the horses and are a big help around the farm. They have been helping feed, clean, and do waters. It seems like it's just a few little things, but it is a huge help.Every little bit helps. I will be sad to see them go. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Hope is already doing a little better.  I think she may always be prone to get diarrhea with any change in diet or surroundings.  It's something that has happened a few times with her and was a constant issue when she was first born.  Knowing a horse from birth helps a lot when knowing how serious a medical or behavior problem is. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014

Coastal has settled in nicely and Gulch is so happy to have a friend again, he's literally jumping for joy.  He was starting to act lonely and picking up bad habits. Now he has a new found freshness about him.  Rader may have found a new home, sent some video of him in the arena, hope it works out.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Hope has had diarrhea the past couple days.  The hay is a little different and the weather, it's to be expected.  She is not the only one and she has had this problem a couple times since she was born.  I started adding Platinum Bio Sponge to her grain the past 2 feedings and am already seeing improvement.  Platinum is expensive, and Bio Sponge costs about $4 /day in the powder form, if it gets worse and I have to use the tubed version it will be about $6/day; but it works great.   Especially in the winter when getting them to drink can be challenging; diarrhea is a big concern.  With 19 horses on the farm, there are so many moving parts;  It's our job to make sure nothing is missed, concerning each horse, ever!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Good morning Fog.  What a beautiful foggy morning.  Lot's of chores to do after such a rainy week, but how wonderful and what a change to wake up and not able to see the front gate through the fog.  Dragging the wet turnouts turned out beautiful. What a great Saturday morning.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Welcome to SCR, Coastal Souvenir!  Coastal was vanned off of the track during a race at Del Mar in 2011.  He tore his left hind suspensory.  Most horses would have been put down, and maybe he should have, but the vet on duty said he displayed a will to live.  The owners and trainer were ready to make the decision, but the vet donated his time and treatment; called a rescue and the rest is history.  Coastal was rehabbed over the next couple years and then placed with a lady who had dreams of making his a therapy horse.  The lady was trampled by a horse, in the hospital for weeks; had her farm ramshacked, and hasn't recovered.  She was not able to feed or care for her farm of horses.  People stepped in and took a bunch of her horses.  Coastal was one.  He is now safe and sound at SCR.  He was not nearly as thin as some of the others, but emotionally he needs some SCR down time.  He is next to Gulch in a stall where he will be given good hay, we will work him into Rice bran and SR feed, over the next month.  We hope that he will be able t be turned out with Careful Thought in January; after he re accumulates back into good care.  Taking in another horse means more expenses; but we couldn't say no to a horse who has been through so much and needed a soft place to fall. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Evy is a little lame in her front left.  Don't see anything in it, her frog has a little thrush like Dream did, after a couple days of thrush remover she should be fine.  It's a little harder process with her, she is not as calm as Dream is and get's mad and chases away all the horses off their feed once I try to catch her.  Oh and she hates Bute, but we will get her well, if I don't kill her trying :).

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

It continues to rain.  The ground is completely flooded.  All the horses are a mess.  The stalls are so hard to clean.  Hope hates the water, she is the only one that stays under her cover no matter what.  Most every one else will stand in the rain, Hope acts like it is poison.  At least she is staying clean.  Plus she has an endless buffet from Momma so that's convenient for her too.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The rain has started.  It has rained all day.  The stalls are muddy and a mess.  Careful was a little cold, but once she got her hay, she warmed right up.  Everyone got extra hay to last them into the night.  It's supposed to rain all night and I don't want anyone getting chilly, now that they are wet. Hope the rain stops soon.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The weather is cold but not freezing.  In the mornings we can feed in just a sweatshirt, sometimes by the time we get to the front we can even feed in short sleeves.  Only 2 feedings this winter have my hands even been cold.  We usually don't blanket the horses anyhow.  Every one has a nice winter coat, and even if it get's colder they should be fine.  The wind is the worst part, and so far it's not been too windy.  We are expecting rain this week, but the temperatures should be nice and cool, not freezing.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Everyone did great today.  The boys all got out.  Hope was walked and feet picked up, she was a star. She acted up when the daddy was holding her, but I took her away and just lifted her feet, and held her at the same time and she was a gem.  Baby C did great we walked him around and even lifted his front feet.  My kids are so smart.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Graham is doing so well.  I am slowly getting him back into the routine of having a job.  Man is he smart.  He has had the best manners lately and I think is having a great time.  I saddled him up today and trotted him in the round pen a little.  He is crazy athletic, and so awesome to ride.  Looking forward to his continued training and his new career.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Gulch is getting lonely.  He is a horses horse type of stallion.  He likes having a friend.  He was a handful last time we turned him out. I think he is just telling us he needs someone in his neighboring stall.  We have the little boys, but Flash and Brody get a little too rambunctious when they are next to each other.  I need to figure out who will make a good friend for Gulchy soon.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving.  Great day today, no work, so I have a lot of time to spend with the kids.  I am so thankful for each and everyone of these guys.  Whether I picked them out, they came to us due to circumstances beyond their control, or they are fosters; I love them all.  I wouldn't want to spend the holiday in any other way, than right here at the farm with all these amazing creatures.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Flash is a hoarder.  It's so funny, once Baby C puts one of the toys in Flash's stall it ends up next to his water and will never go back to Baby C.  They love to play with the toys together, and as long as Baby C keeps it, they will play, if he let's Flash take it, it's gone into the dungeon of Flash. Every day I move some toys back to Baby C.  Colts are so fun, I just never get sick of colts.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Some of the horses are "talkers" they call to you every time they see you.  Dream is one of those.  She is very sweet and loves attention.  Evy sometimes. Enchilada is another, when you come out to feed and he spots you he is so happy to eat.  When you get to his stall he will bob his head, and talk until you throw his hay.  Rader loves carrots the most but will sometimes call for hay as well.  Feeding time is so fun.