Sunday, December 7, 2014

Friday, December 5, 2014

Welcome to SCR, Coastal Souvenir!  Coastal was vanned off of the track during a race at Del Mar in 2011.  He tore his left hind suspensory.  Most horses would have been put down, and maybe he should have, but the vet on duty said he displayed a will to live.  The owners and trainer were ready to make the decision, but the vet donated his time and treatment; called a rescue and the rest is history.  Coastal was rehabbed over the next couple years and then placed with a lady who had dreams of making his a therapy horse.  The lady was trampled by a horse, in the hospital for weeks; had her farm ramshacked, and hasn't recovered.  She was not able to feed or care for her farm of horses.  People stepped in and took a bunch of her horses.  Coastal was one.  He is now safe and sound at SCR.  He was not nearly as thin as some of the others, but emotionally he needs some SCR down time.  He is next to Gulch in a stall where he will be given good hay, we will work him into Rice bran and SR feed, over the next month.  We hope that he will be able t be turned out with Careful Thought in January; after he re accumulates back into good care.  Taking in another horse means more expenses; but we couldn't say no to a horse who has been through so much and needed a soft place to fall. 

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