Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday, August 31, 2014

What a great morning.  Penny and Nilo were turned out, of course Penny tried to eat every crumb in the arena.  I dragged Halo, Enchilada, and Careful's areas.  Hope did pretty good, she tried to act like a brat at first but then settled in and stood still.  Fancy was her usual motherly self, it will be much easier to train Hope once she is weaned which is going to happen in October once it cools down here.  Rader and Graham are doing better than good, Graham's stall was messy and Rader's fly mask was off meaning they were playing a lot last night.  I am so excited for Grahamy!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Uneventful day.  It was really hot here today, but everyone drank a lot which is great.  I had to go to Doc B's house early this morning to get medication.  Banamine to have on hand for potential colics and Thyro-L fr Penny.  Penny has been on her meds a little over a month.  She is losing weight, but it is much harder for me to make them lose weight than it is to gain weight.  Tomorrow her and Nilo get turned out.  That is always fun.  Busy day tomorrow with a lot of chores needing to be done, so it will be an early morning.  Good night.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

What a night we had last night.  I get a text from my neighbors that a horse was loose.  We run out and it's our stallion Rader.  He is next to Graham.  They are both standing there, no noise, no screaming, no kicking and no naughty behavior.  This is the first time Graham has ever been near another horse without acting up since he came to the farm.  It was shocking and exciting.  I grab Rader and he walks away nicely.  We decide to put him in the open stall next to Graham, if they get along let's give this a try.  It worked.  They like each other.  It is always our dream for all the horses at SCR to be able to live as natural as possible.  I hated that Graham couldn't be near other horses.  Horses are heard animals and while in the wild Stallions have their own bands, we can't do that, but they still should not be alone.  This is a big day at SCR!  This is a big step in Graham's rehabilitation from race horse to farm horse!  Love my stallions so much!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014

It's days like this that I am so thankful for all my kids.  I realize how lucky I am to have each and every one of them.  It was 115 degrees when I got in my car to come home and feed.  It's horrible, you sweat in places you didn't even know existed :).  Then you stop and look around you, and listen to all the calls when they see you walking out to the barn.  You know that the heat is hard on them too.  I know it is a very volatile time and colic's are a real risk.  The heat and discomfort seems to disappear, and you realize you are their everything, and vice versa.  Honestly I love each and every one of them so much.  Thank goodness everyone drank a lot of water.  Penny never drinks enough, but I am going to talk to Dr. B about that on Saturday.  I looked at the forecast and it looks like a heat wave until Wednesday.  We can make it, fall here we come....

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hot day today. Everyone drank really well.  Hope and Flash got the day off again, I had an early morning appointment and it was dark when we fed.  Gulch was feeling good today, he is so funny, when he feels really good he walks away when I start feeding so that he can run and buck when I get to him and pour his grain.  Nilo started on Soybean pellets today.  I haven't had a horse need this new feed regimen, but he is getting a fat belly and loosing his top line.  Hope this helps.  He will also start getting worked a couple times a week.  Lot's of different diets and works when you have 20. It's supposed to be hot Thurs- Sat, then we should be in the 90's until fall.  Feeding and cleaning when it's this hot is really hard and it's hard on the horses, only a couple days left....

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The first thing in the morning I take Bella to her outdoor kennel (Bella is our deaf pit bull), the first horses I see are Hope and Fancy and then Graham and the boys.  When I head to the barn to start feeding I see Careful and look into the pasture to see the horses in the back 5 acres.  Well this morning Red Hot just about gave me a heart attack.  I looked back and Red was all the way in the corner laying down.  My heart always skips a beat when I think I have a sick kid.  I yell  " RED HOT", he looked at me and jumped right up, he ate fine, and is ok.  The connection I have with these amazing animals is so special.  The back 5 crew drank a ton today, all out of the blue bucket.  It was almost empty, the silver trough had plenty of water left, I guess water from the blue bucket looks more refreshing!  Hope did great today, Fancy was a crazy Momma and followed us all around the arena.  Flash is getting better and better on the halter.  Lot's of ants still.  I went into the vacant field to put ant spray so they don't crawl into Hope's area.  Started Rader on Rice Bran pellets, Halo and Enchilada have been on it about a week and are looking great!  Good day!

Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014

Today was a lazy Monday.  Hope and Flash both got the day off.  Everyone drank a good amount of water for it being a cooler day.  The pasture horses were back to normal with Red eating first followed by Evy, Star, Baby and then Dream.  Hay was delivered today along with some grain and salt blocks.  I'll wait till this weekend to give everyone their new salt blocks.  The Peahens got scratch after being out a couple days, they ran right over, they prefer scratch to the Turkey Maintenance which is healthier, but not as tasty.  Penny's feet were ok today.  Careful is a little sore on her back leg from kicking at the geldings.  Halo seems to be doing well in his new area, but I will have to spend some afternoon time out there to see how the cribbing is going.  Tomorrow everyone is back to work!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 24, 2014

Nilo got a both today, he was filthy.  Penny is a little sore on her feet today after spending time out in the arena yesterday.  Halo was moved away from the girls, he is cribbing and I want him alone.  Enchilada went into Red Hot's round pen and Red Hot went out with Evy, Star, Baby and Dream.  Red Hot settled in quickly and everyone is getting along.  Evy ate first, Red Hot second, then Star, Baby and Dream.  Freddie cleaned everyone's water.  Flash drug the lead rope around for the first time and did well.  He kept composed and I think is learning about pressure quickly.  Baby C got his halter back on this morning and had it off by afternoon.  I drug Halo and Enchilada's area as well as Careful's and the whole property. Baby Hope went two laps around the outside of her arena.  Fancy was acting up but Hope was a pro.  I lifted all 4 feet while holding her as well, she is so smart.  In for the night.  Sweet Dreams.