Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014

Today was a lazy Monday.  Hope and Flash both got the day off.  Everyone drank a good amount of water for it being a cooler day.  The pasture horses were back to normal with Red eating first followed by Evy, Star, Baby and then Dream.  Hay was delivered today along with some grain and salt blocks.  I'll wait till this weekend to give everyone their new salt blocks.  The Peahens got scratch after being out a couple days, they ran right over, they prefer scratch to the Turkey Maintenance which is healthier, but not as tasty.  Penny's feet were ok today.  Careful is a little sore on her back leg from kicking at the geldings.  Halo seems to be doing well in his new area, but I will have to spend some afternoon time out there to see how the cribbing is going.  Tomorrow everyone is back to work!

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