Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Really second guessing what I do today.  Don't know that I can lose any others.  My heart is broken into so many pieces.  At this point I am running on necessity.  I continue to feed and clean for everyone, but my heart is empty.  Not sure what the future of SCR is at this point.  I will continue to care for the horses we have, but we will cease taking into new horses at this point.  I need to take a couple weeks to evaluate the situation.  Please bare with me during this time of mourning.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

There are no words.  I can't stop the tears.  It's days like these that make me question SCR.  I'm not strong enough to deal with the loss.  Sadness has overcome the farm.  The last 1302 days have been the best of my life.  Penny was my gift from heaven.  I will miss her every second.  She blessed my life for 3 years, 6 months, and 23 days.  A life taken way too soon.  That gentle soul, perfect face, amazing baby was my life.  Everything seems so unimportant right now.  Tell Nilo he better take care of you my baby girl, I know he will, he missed you!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Well this was the first morning all year that I fed in a sweatshirt and jeans, I guess fall is officially here.  It's going to be a long day waiting for the vet to check Penny.  My appointment is at 4pm.  She is not doing better, even on the medication.  I fear it's really bad.  I hope she can pull through.  It's so hard to see her in such pain.  She has stopped calling to me at feeding time, and her eye is not as bright as usual.  Please send prayers Penny's way.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

Penny is not doing well.  She has taken a drastic turn for the worse.  The combination of getting trimmed and the hay being a little too much alfalfa, has made her left front foot completely lame.  I have but her on Butte which is the strongest medication we can put her on, and it is not working.  The vet will be out tomorrow.  Prayers for Penny please!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The farm is surrounded by great neighbors.  When the well breaks it puts a ton of strain on us.  The horses need water and we will not let them down, no matter what we have to do if it meant getting gallon jugs.  Our neighbors Patrick and Catherine gave us a water tank.  We can get it filled locally for $20.  Now we need to get it on a trailer and get a water hose connection.  When we run out of water from now on we will have back up.  Thank goodness for good neighbors.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Farrier day today.  The bills never stop in rescue.  $40 a trim and $100 for shoes, it ads up really fast.  We did Penny, Halo, Baby, Dream, Red Hot, Duette, Robyn, Hope, Rader and Gulch.  It was a long day.  I am glad I have such a great team of farriers.  Robert and Jeanne are the best. They are so patient with the bad ones, and even take extra time to work with Hope on trimming and leading.  It truly takes a village to rescue these horses.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Came home to the stalls cleaned and waters filled.  The house cleaned and dinner ready.  Haven't had this great of day in a while.  The horses actually got their stalls cleaned twice today and my mom wet Careful, Enchilada, Duette, Baby, Dream and Evy.  They all look like rag a muffins after getting wet and rolling. I think the peahens even got extra treats.  Everyone will miss Grammy!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

My Mom is in town.  It's so great to have her here.  The kids are in heaven.  Careful Thought and Bella are probably the happiest.  Careful loves my mom because she always wets her.  Careful loves the hose and mom is always happy to wet her, no matter how hot or cool it is she loves it.  Bella is so spoiled by Grammy.  She gets extra time in the house and plenty of goodies.  Grandma time is enjoyed by all.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Oh no the flies are back.  They had gotten better, but seems now they are back with a vengeance.  I guess it's not getting cold enough at night to be rid of them.  The horses are done with them and so am I.  They are so bad, I may even need to get the fly spray out!  It's mid October, this has got to stop :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I've decided to start working with Graham to break to ride.  He is currently track broke and that's it.  After I start riding him, I am going to start working with a trainer to start jumping.  It's been my dream for a while, just haven't had the time or horse to do it.  Graham is athletic and tall enough to make a pretty great jumper.  I am excited for this new adventure.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Duette and Robyn make the sweetest pasture pals.  Duette and Red Hot hate each other so she can't be with the pasture 5.  Robyn and her both eat 2 flakes twice a day and even though Robyn is one of our biggest mares and Duette is one of the smallest it really works well.  Duette is the boos, go figure; but at least we have harmony.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Brody and Rader have a new thing where they share a water bucket.  The first time I though maybe Brody hadn't drank all day, then I realized Rader drank double.  Brody has to reach all the way over the fence, but manages to just so he can share with his friend.  We are going to move Rader's next cleaning day so we can better monitor each of them, but for now they really like sharing.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Happy Saturday.  All the boys got turned out today.  Graham didn't rear up, even once.  They all had a great time during their turn out.  Gulch loves to buck.  Graham likes to smell for the other horses, Brody and Flash like to run.  Rader runs a little, but just likes to hang out.  It's funny how they all respond and spend their turn out time.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hope is getting to be such a big girl.  She is so independent, she rarely eats with Fancy.  She really loves doing her own thing.  She still sleeps a lot as she continues to grow.  He mane is falling to the side, but still has a little ways to grow.  She loves to chase Freddie but knows that is a no, no with Mommy.  She also helps her dad clean stalls, but I do not like helpers.  My lil girl is growing up every day, she is almost 7 months, and still growing.  Almost time to wean!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Baby C cut his mouth.  It's not bad, just right on the corner where the skin is so soft so it looks worse than it is after we cleaned it.  I'm sure he got it playing and cut it on the fence, we'll have to check al the corners and fencing.  The kids are always getting into something and hurting themselves.  Thank goodness no vet needed this time.

Wednesday, October 15

Flash sure has been a nice colt lately.  He is starting to calm down, although he still able to get every halter I put on him off, he is better about being caught  He catches easily when turned out, but still needs some work on his feet.  Thank goodness he wears his feet very evenly so we only get him trimmed 2-3 times a year and he is still perfect.  I love it when the colts start to mature.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The three older boys; Graham, Rader, and Brody are so much fun to watch.  They are such characters.  Rader and Brody play all the time.  Graham is learning how to play, but you can tell how he loves interacting with Rader.  It's so good for the Stallions to be able to be around other horses and have toys in their stalls as well.  It really keeps boredom under control. Happy Horses, equals Happy Mommy.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday's are tough on everyone around here.  No one likes getting back into work week routine.  It means seeing less of their humans and the horses and dogs do not like that.  Things are cooling down little by little, so that does have everyone feeling their oats in the mornings.  Even Gulch was kicking up his heels.  We love the fall.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Lazy Day Sunday.  After the chores are done, we like to just kind of hang out.  Spend time on the yard, or cleaning waters, or just hanging out with the animals.  Life on the farm is so peaceful.  The horses have such great personalities and it's fun to just be around them.  Thanks goodness for Sundays.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

I love Saturdays.  With the weather getting nicer, I just want to stay outside all day.  Saturday is always my drag day, where I clean Halo and Enchilada's areas and run the dogs, work with Hope turn Penny out, brush manes that need it and just enjoy the horses.  With all the daily chores, it's nice to actually enjoy the farm once in a while.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Baby has taken over spot number 3 in the pasture at feeding time.  Her and Star have been switching back and forth, but Baby has taken number 3 bucket for the last week and it looks like it will be permanent.  It's funny how everyone has their routine at feed time.  Red Hot is number one, but Evy has to grab a bite of his, Evy 2, and Dream always the last bucket.  Baby always goes to her bucket and waits for me, the others walk around until I am ready to dump theirs.  Funny how horses behave in a herd.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Halo continues to enjoy meal time.  When he came to the farm a couple months ago, he was not used to eating on a regular basis without any other horses trying to fight him and take his food.  He is now alone and has gotten so used to regular feedings that sometimes he will walk away to check out what the other horses are doing, just to be nosy.  The weather is starting to let up a little, no more 100's.  Everyone is enjoying it!

Wednesday, October 8

Everyone is doing really good around the farm.  Careful Thought is still limping some mornings on her back leg, but it's to be expected with an old injury.  She really doesn't seem to mind too much, we just have to try to keep her from kicking at the boys.  I only drag her area once a month because when I leave her out she tries to run, and if I put her in a stall she paces.  She has enough room it doesn't get too dirty, so monthly works for both of us.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

All the animals at SCR are doing great.  Today I will discuss something I usually wouldn't on the SCR blog, but under the circumstances feel it is necessary.  We are racing fans.  We believe that race horses love what they do; they love their jobs, they are born to run, and that it is in their blood.  We love the sport, support the sport and the people involved in the sport.  Are there good and bad people in every industry?  Most definitely! I love our horses, they are my family.  There are few people I would trust with my horses; but it must be someone who loves them as I do.  It must be a team that understands the animal, that is in it not only for the business aspect, but because they love these animals! I just want to say, don't believe everything you read.  We believe in right!  Good things happen to good people, just believe....

Monday, October 6, 2014

At SCR we try to keep the horses social.  Even Stallions we believe should be able to be near other horses.  Horses love being around each other.  Graham for instance was not ready to be in a stall next to another horse until we had him for about 2 years.  The stallions are actually the most playful.  We make sure they have toys if they like them and always something to stimulate and keep them from bad habits.  Rader and Brody love to play as do Baby C and Flash.  They almost always have a bite mark somewhere.  It's nothing serious.  We did receive one gelding that had bite marks literally all over his poor little body, that we would never allow here.  Friendly stallion playing bites are another thing.  We monitor the horses daily; their coats, behaviors, anything unusual, but small play bites are something else, and are ok.  Anything more we would move them, but seeing two horses play and enjoy each other is something very special. Feel free to come by anytime and enjoy for yourself.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Another warm day with lot's of flies.  Penny spent an hour turned out and her feet seem fine.  That's great news.  Careful, the 5 pasture kids, Baby C, Flash, Graham and Gulch all got their waters cleaned today.  Hope is quite the little Diva.  What a sweet filly, but she is adorable and knows it.  She is going to be very high maintenance.  Coyotes were out this morning, but all the Peas are doing well.  Goodnight to a great weekend!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Great day.  It was warm, but everyone drank really good.  Got a couple water's cleaned.  $1100 worth of hay delivered, it will last 2 weeks.  Penny is doing good.  I've been turning her out more, her feet are doing good and she needs something to keep her mind off Nilo.  Hope has been a brat lately.  She is very demanding when she wants attention.  She will not let you out of her arena.  You must give her a nice massage before you pay your way out of he arena! I have the most spoiled children!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

Penny did really good when they took Nilo away.  I was surprised at how calm she was.  The vet's recommendation to let her see him be put down and doing it next to her stall really helped.  She was able mourn him and seemed at peace.  Haven't figured out who if anyone to put next her.  So glad it's Friday, can get her out this weekend. The weather is supposed to be warm, but it should be nice.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Yesterday I said goodbye to a dear friend.  After fighting an infection and on antibiotics for weeks, last night I made the tremendously difficult decision to put Nilo down.  The antibiotics became too much and he became toxic, after that he started to colic.  Even with the strongest pain medication he was still in so much pain, that I could not make him live one more minute for me.  It's my duty as the person who loves, cares for, and devotes my life to these animals to make the hard decisions.  To put their well being and needs above my own, as hard as it may be.  Not a day will go by that I won't miss him.  Not many people or animals have made an impact on my life the way he did.  I will never forget walking into the pitch black pasture one night and whistling, and there was my boy, he ran right to me.  He remembered..and so will I.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Nilo had a really rough night.  We took about 100 steps backwards.  He didn't eat or drink and had diarrhea all over his stall.  I cleaned him off, gave him some electrolytes and Banamine.  It seemed to help a little, he was a little more active, but still not eating his grain.  If he doesn't improve tonight looks like the vet will need to come back out.   Hoping today is a good day.