Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

At SCR we try to keep the horses social.  Even Stallions we believe should be able to be near other horses.  Horses love being around each other.  Graham for instance was not ready to be in a stall next to another horse until we had him for about 2 years.  The stallions are actually the most playful.  We make sure they have toys if they like them and always something to stimulate and keep them from bad habits.  Rader and Brody love to play as do Baby C and Flash.  They almost always have a bite mark somewhere.  It's nothing serious.  We did receive one gelding that had bite marks literally all over his poor little body, that we would never allow here.  Friendly stallion playing bites are another thing.  We monitor the horses daily; their coats, behaviors, anything unusual, but small play bites are something else, and are ok.  Anything more we would move them, but seeing two horses play and enjoy each other is something very special. Feel free to come by anytime and enjoy for yourself.

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