Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Yesterday I said goodbye to a dear friend.  After fighting an infection and on antibiotics for weeks, last night I made the tremendously difficult decision to put Nilo down.  The antibiotics became too much and he became toxic, after that he started to colic.  Even with the strongest pain medication he was still in so much pain, that I could not make him live one more minute for me.  It's my duty as the person who loves, cares for, and devotes my life to these animals to make the hard decisions.  To put their well being and needs above my own, as hard as it may be.  Not a day will go by that I won't miss him.  Not many people or animals have made an impact on my life the way he did.  I will never forget walking into the pitch black pasture one night and whistling, and there was my boy, he ran right to me.  He remembered..and so will I.

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