Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Well Nilo absolutely hates all the medication he is taking, he spits it up every time.  One is bright red and one is pink.  I think every shirt I have is now "tie dyed" thanks to Ni. Penny takes her's so nicely, I never wear any of her gray meds.  Hope was fine yesterday and this morning.  Brody and Rader got their water buckets cleaned they were very dirty, probably all the dust Brody stirs up from pacing. The weather is perfect in the mornings, cool and crisp!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Fed in the dark this morning and Hope didn't get up to eat.  Fancy and Hope get 2 flakes and grain at one end and are fed first, then they get 2 more flakes and grain at the other end and are fed there last.  Sometimes when it's dark Hope takes a little while to get up, but today she stayed down when I gave them their feed at each end, which is not normal for her.  I started cleaning and she was still down, I started to get a little worried.  She seemed to be having a hard time getting up.  Not sure if she was just tired or maybe the chilly night had her bones a little stiff.  I helped her get up and she ran right to Fancy to nurse which is what she does when she is stressed or upset.  She was fine later when I checked on her, but I will be keeping an eye on her.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

What a perfect day here in Rosamond.  The horses are loving the weather and so are we.  Everyone is playing and full of energy. Nilo is now on new meds we are hoping that these help.  His current medications are about $30/ day.  Sick horses are costly to the rescue, but we must make sure they receive the best of care.  Nilo will get stronger each day, and be 100% in no time.  Today the dogs got to run with the mule and I cleaned up the scrap hay.  The weekends are the best to get the little things complete...Happy Sunday!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Today was drag day Saturday.  We drag Halo and Enchilada's area every week, Careful's bi weekly and the pasture crew Monthly.  We don't clean their areas each day, when they are in large areas this works best.  We also run the dogs on weekends.  This morning was chilly, so it was wonderful.  We barely wanted to go in the house.  We let Penny out and she ran her heart out, Nilo had the biggest fit in his stall, bucking and rearing.  He hates Penny being away from him.  It's not good behavior, but shows his energy level is increasing, which is great.  Penny went back in her stall great today (sometimes she won't go in and has to be backed in).  So far this is shaping up to be a great day!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Hooray it was in the 80's today.  Thank goodness, fall is finally here.  Nilo is starting to call when I come with the feed.  His feed has steadily been increased and he is eating it all.  His bacterial infection is getting better each day and his coat is growing.  Baby steps, but steps forward is all that matters.  Star has a small cut on her leg.  No need for medical care, a little silver spray and she will be fine.  Horses love getting into things, so it's no big deal.  We just need to make sure everyday we look at each horse carefully to look for new cuts, soreness, or different behavior.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Rader is doing great and back to his old self.  Penny is doing great as well.  Her feet et better everyday.  She continues to lose weight and is starting to look really good.  Careful is not in heat anymore, but her back left hock is still locking up on her.  She is alright and will have leg issues through her whole life.  The best we can do is give her butte when it's worst and manage it.  She will always be turned out in large areas when we can, as walking helps stretch it out.  Every horse here receives individualized care, feed, and housing.  It is best for everyone that way.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Yesterday was the first day of fall.  We kind of skipped over it, with a sick horse and temperatures still in the 90's it was hard to celebrate.  The horses love the cooler weather.  The first few days once we cool down will be volatile because sometimes they forget to drink enough and will need electrolytes but after that they love it.  I love it too.  Feeding and cleaning is so much easier in the cold weather than the hot.  I pray that as the weather cools Nilo will get stronger and stronger.  The heat zaps his energy and makes it hard for him to recover. Fall here we come...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rader stayed up all night.  He only got half of his breakfast this am, bran mash, and electrolytes.  He acted like I was starving him.  He was not a happy boy.  Now that he is feeling a little better he is starting to be full of himself again.  It's so great to see.  This afternoon his stall was a mess.  I usually get onto him (ok yes I talk to all the horses when I feed and clean their stalls, so I'll ask "Rader why do you have such a messy stall for Mommy to clean?"), but today I was so happy he had been playing with the other stallions. I have never been so happy to clean a messy stall.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Rader colic'd today.  It was really bad.  I was leaving for work when I saw him paw the ground.  I stopped and watched him a couple minutes, then he went down.  I got Banamine, but an hour later he kept going down.  It was really bad.  Dr. B came out and oiled him, gave a muscle relaxer, and he seemed to get better. Doc left and 30 minutes later he was back down, worse than before.  He literally laid down while I was walking him and I could not get him back up.  It is so horrible watching them in so much pain.  They are helpless and look at you like "please help me".  Doc came back out gave a narcotic and sedated him.  Rader went back down one more time, I gave another shot of muscle relaxer that Dr left me, and now he has been up since 5pm.  It will be a long night checking on him every hour through the night.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Halo continues to gain weight.  His bite wounds are healing and his coat is starting to look good.  He is cribbing less and less and I think it's helping him gain weight.  He still loves hanging out with Enchilada, and spends most of his time near him.  Sometimes he will go over and hang out looking at Nilo and Penny.  The weight is easiest to change, the mental damage that neglect does is the hardest to cure. Slowly he is gaining confidence, and becoming a normal horse again.  I love to witness transformations, it's so special and rewarding.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The PA Derby is today.  What a race, hoping Chrome can do it.  Chrome reminds us of Lil Andy.  Some rescues are against racing.  At SCR we love the game.  It is the only horse industry that mandates lip tattoos. It gives us a way to track these amazing athletes.  How many Arabians, QH, or NSH's end up at auction. No way to trace their background.  TB race horses are trackable.  It gives them a voice.  It  makes sure everyone knows where they came from.  Gives them hope that some connection somewhere in their life still cares.  We will always care.  Thank you Jockey Club for giving these amazing horses a voice.

Friday, September 19, 2014

When will this heat end?  Thank goodness it's not 100 anymore, but still in the 90's it's starting to wear on everyone.  Nilo is having a tough time.  The pasture horses love their blue trough still and empty it almost every day.  Everyone up front, which is all the boys, are doing ok. Hope is a trooper.  I come home sometimes and she is covered in dry sweat.  She has the best attitude still.  She is a fighter and will deal with anything.  My little girl is amazing.  I love how happy she always is.  She just wants a back rub.  Life is all about back rubs!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Well Nilo is not doing much better, so Doc thinks we should start a new round of meds.  Doc would like to see more improvement by now.  Ni is eating his grain better and about 2 flakes twice a day.  He is still weaker than we would like.  Nilo hates taking the medication, so adding an additional one is not fun.  He runs from me when I come in his stall with the syringe.  I wish I could tell him it is to help make him feel better, but he does not understand.  We will get through this...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Life is quiet lately.  It's still very warm, but everyone is doing well.  Penny and Ni still on meds.  Everyone else continues to enjoy the last part of summer.  Everyone is drinking well.  Rader, Halo, and enchilada continue to do well and gain weight.  They are all very aware of the feeding schedule now.  Enchilada calls at feeding time.  halo spends most his day near Enchilada or careful.  It's very cool to see the relationships form. We have such a great family.  Everyone has their own place.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

So everyone keeps a different kind of stall.  Our Arabians tend to keep themselves much cleaner than out Thoroughbreds.  Baby C keeps a great stall, Flash is pretty clean too.  Graham is so active his stall is always a mess, as is Raders.  Brody is our best stall keeper, he is a neat freak.  Gulch is ok, he likes to go potty where he eats sometimes, but it's never as bad as Graham or Rader.  Funny how every horse is so different; from personality, to the way they eat, to the type of stall they keep.  Many personalities around here.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Nilo's results are back.  He has a pretty bad infection.  Low white blood cell count.  My boy is very sick. The vet bills keep adding up.  We will keep him on meds and put him on medicated shampoo for a bacterial infection.  Having sick kids is the worst.  they are so helpless.  I am their voice.  I am their hope.  I will get Nilo back to 100%.  I will fight for him.  I will love him enough to make him fight.  We will get through this.  The weather is not helping.  The heat is so hard on him.  If we can get to fall, his healing will be even faster.

Sunday, September 14. 2014

Sleepy Sunday.  Everything is calm at the farm.  It's still very warm.  Everyone is drinking well, and doing ok with the heat.  No extra chores today.  Penny and Nilo are still on meds.  They continue to be in stalls.  They hate it, but they hate being away from each other more.  Careful is in heat, so she continues to kick at the boys.  She always loses some weight when she is in heat, hope this ends soon.  Too bad we can't set up some TV's in the barn and have a barn football party.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Missing Lil Andy today.  Some days are still harder than others.  With Nilo being sick, it is scary and brings back so many bad memories.  Losing one of these guys is never easy.  With Lil Andy I think it hit me harder than any other.  I have some reflection now.  When Andy was sick, Doc said his chance to live was only 10%.  I kept him alive; now I see that was for me, not him.  Doc knew, Freddie knew, and I kept him alive because of that 10%.  It was for me, not him.  I can see that now.  I couldn't then.  I prayed that he would pull through, that he would overcome the odds.  I prayed he was stronger than most, that he would fall in that 10%.  It was not to be.  It never was.  I will never keep an animal alive for me again.  I will let go.  I will be stronger.  I will do it for them.  Andy Mom loves and misses you so much...and always will!

Friday, September 12, 2014

The vet was out to see Nilo today.  He is not doing well.  We drew blood and started on Banamine and an antibiotic.  Vet bills and meds are costly, but it is our job to make sure every animal is given the best care, the best chance at a wonderful, long life.  Nilo has been losing weight, and getting weak.  He is not himself.  He was fat and rolly polly when him and Penny were together, now he looks like a different horse.  We have tried to up his feed, but it's time to get the vet involved.  We should receive the blood results this weekend.Saying a prayer for my boy tonight.  At only 22, Ni still has many good years left, and both penny and I need him.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 what a day, what a day to reflect.  I am so thankful for every second I have here on the farm, rescuing these amazing animals.  My life is complete because of them.  We never know what tomorrow will bring. The happiness this rescue brings makes life worth while.  It's still extremely hot.  My job is to make sure everyone is healthy and happy.  Life on the farm is pretty simple.  I now know it is the simple things that make life what it is all about.  So today on this day of reflection, I love these kids, I love my life, and I am so thankful for every second I have with them.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The heat continues.  Everyone continues to drink a good deal of water.  Thank goodness.  This heat really can cause a lot of colics if they don't drink enough.  So far everyone is doing very good.  The current hay is really good and flakes off nicely.  Careful loves to play in her water so it's hard to tell how much she drinks and how much she empties by playing in her water.  Enchilada is such a silly boy he loves to eat.  He came to SCR a skinny boy, now has a big butt.  I love big butts!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Flash is doing good with his ground manners.  He was so skinny and neglected when he came to us, we let him be a horse too long.  Now it's time to learn some manners!  I hope that we can get him gelded this winter and get him adopted.  He is very smart and such a nice Arabian.  He is going to make a great pet for someone.  He keeps such a great stall, and has such a cute face.  He is an easy keeper.  He loves other colts and get's along with everyone we have ever put him next to, he is very playful.  I call him my little hoarder.  He always collects all his toys and puts them by his water.  I have to give some of them back to Baby C everyday.  Gelding costs money.  It also means weeks of additional work keeping them clean.  It's only safe to adopt him out once he is gelded.  Hope donations will come in to cover the surgery!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Halo continues to improve daily.  Such a nice boy, finally putting on weight.  He is cribbing less, now that is is in an area where the fence posts are harder to reach,  He is such a slow eater.  I think because he takes his time to eat even when he is out with horses he dominates it is hard to keep weight on because everyone finishes the food faster than him.  He loves Enchilada and spends most his time either near Enchilada or over looking at Penny and Nilo.  These kids are so crazy.  I love them all so much. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Careful continues to have problems with her back legs. Butte seems to help.  Back left is locking up more and more.  She is in heat so is kicking at the geldings, not good.  Everyone continues to drink pretty good.  It's so darn hot here, we are monitoring water intake day and night.  Hope is such a smart filly.  Fancy acts up a little when I lead Hope around or correct her, but that's to be expected from a good Momma.  Hope is such a good filly, not only is she adorable, she learns so fast.  It is a lot of fun working with the babies.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Saturday, September 6, 2014

While not horse rescue related, today is a very sad day at SCR.  Today we had to make the very difficult decision to have OJ, our barn dog, laid to rest.  While it is never easy to make that decision, my experience with Andy taught me an important lesson.  When Andy was colicing, at 1am Doc B said he only had 10% chance.  I was supposed to call Doc if Andy showed any sign of discomfort.  Doc had sedated him heavily and if anything was going to help him untwist his intestines it was being sedated this strong.  I woke up every half hour through the rest of the night, which I will never regret.  I checked on him faithfully.  He was up and down.  He would show some signs of hope, but it was clear the pain was too much for him.  I keep hoping the next time I came out he would be ok.  I prayed for any sign, he peed and I wanted that to say he would be ok, but his laying down and pacing told me I knew he would not recover.  Finally at 5:30 I went out, he was down.  It was light out then and I saw him covered in sweat, he looked tired, his eye told me he was done.  I called Doc.  I pet him and prayed in those next 20 minutes he would rebound.  I cut his mane for Freddie to have but could not cut a lot in case he turned around I didn't want his mane to look funny.  My mind knew he was done, my heart prayed he would come around.  Looking back he should have been laid to rest at 1am.  The 10% was for me, not really for him.  With OJ I could not keep him alive for me.  I took him on one last run with the mule, gave him one last good meal, and then said goodbye.  As hard as it is I won't keep that 10% for me ever again.  It's not fair, its selfish. I won't be selfish again!

Friday, September 5, 2014

My boy Nilo is losing weight.  He is about 21 years old and is starting to show his age a bit.  Nilo has been in my life longer than any other man or animal.  I saw Nilo be born when I was 15 years old.  I will have to have Dr. B come out in the next week or two.  I tried Soybean pellets, but they are not making a big enough difference as quickly as I would like to see.  He is such an important boy in my life I am hoping it's just him needing his teeth done and nothing bigger than that.  Penny is extremely attached to my boy, and him to her. Their bond is incredible.  I will keep everyone posted on Nilo's progress.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

As I have hard days professionally and personally; it is this rescue that get's me through.  Every morning when I go out to the barn, Dream, Red Hot, and some others always call for me.  Knowing how much they love me makes it all worth it.  I am probably closer to them than anyone.  They bring me joy and sometimes heartache, but their love makes it all worth it.  I have a special bond with each and every one of them.  It's funny how even the foster horses become part of the family so quickly.  I look at other people who use and abuse these amazing animals and just can't imagine.  There is nothing I wouldn't do for each and every one of them! Feeling overwhelmed and blessed at the same time...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

All of the horses are doing good.  Everyone is drinking enough water, it's still pretty hot here, so water intake is monitored daily.  Anyone who isn't drinking as much as they should get's electrolytes.  Our barn dog, OJ Mayo went to the vet with an injured leg.  X rays were done and our boy has bone cancer.  He is 6 years old and a Pit bull/ Mastiff mix.  We rescued OJ after someone had stole him from under a fence scaring his back for the rest of his life.  My hotel was in pr opening and he was just a pup. OJ bonded with Kahlua after Jordan passed and they were insuperable until she passed a year ago.  OJ is unable to use his back leg.  Amputation is an option, but would be hard on him and only buy him a couple months.  We will keep him comfortable on pain meds as long as we can.  This is the hardest part of rescue, dog or horse, they are all our kids!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Careful Thought's leg is bothering her today.  She is a kicker and not only has old injuries, but recently had stitches and extensive vet care from getting her leg caught in the fence kicking at the back pasture horses, and now that she is in heat she is really going after the geldings.  Nothing a little Butte won't help, no need for the vet we always have some on hand.  All medication's cost money, but the horses welfare is of utmost importance.  Horse rescues aren't cheap to operate if done right, but the rewards they bring us are priceless. With 20 on the farm, someone is usually either on meds, a special diet or something.  We manage their care individually, no one is just a number, they are all special individuals.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Holiday.  Lazy day here at the farm.  Everyone is doing well and drinking enough water with all this heat.  Something cool did happen today.  When we get new horses in they have a lot of emotional and physical damage a lot of the time.  With halo he had been thrown into a large pasture with many other horses, he eats very slow and was not the high man on the totem pole.  He had bite marks all over his entire body and was entirely too think probably a 5 on the scale.  When they get food they go after it and can't think of anything else, they are not sure when the next meal will come.  It takes them a while to realize food comes twice a day no matter what. Well today Halo walked away from his food to see the other horses.  This is huge.  It means he knows the food will be there.  Proud of my boy! Glad to know he will never be hungry or hurt again!