Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Today was drag day Saturday.  We drag Halo and Enchilada's area every week, Careful's bi weekly and the pasture crew Monthly.  We don't clean their areas each day, when they are in large areas this works best.  We also run the dogs on weekends.  This morning was chilly, so it was wonderful.  We barely wanted to go in the house.  We let Penny out and she ran her heart out, Nilo had the biggest fit in his stall, bucking and rearing.  He hates Penny being away from him.  It's not good behavior, but shows his energy level is increasing, which is great.  Penny went back in her stall great today (sometimes she won't go in and has to be backed in).  So far this is shaping up to be a great day!

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