Saturday, September 6, 2014

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Holiday.  Lazy day here at the farm.  Everyone is doing well and drinking enough water with all this heat.  Something cool did happen today.  When we get new horses in they have a lot of emotional and physical damage a lot of the time.  With halo he had been thrown into a large pasture with many other horses, he eats very slow and was not the high man on the totem pole.  He had bite marks all over his entire body and was entirely too think probably a 5 on the scale.  When they get food they go after it and can't think of anything else, they are not sure when the next meal will come.  It takes them a while to realize food comes twice a day no matter what. Well today Halo walked away from his food to see the other horses.  This is huge.  It means he knows the food will be there.  Proud of my boy! Glad to know he will never be hungry or hurt again!

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