Saturday, September 27, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Rader colic'd today.  It was really bad.  I was leaving for work when I saw him paw the ground.  I stopped and watched him a couple minutes, then he went down.  I got Banamine, but an hour later he kept going down.  It was really bad.  Dr. B came out and oiled him, gave a muscle relaxer, and he seemed to get better. Doc left and 30 minutes later he was back down, worse than before.  He literally laid down while I was walking him and I could not get him back up.  It is so horrible watching them in so much pain.  They are helpless and look at you like "please help me".  Doc came back out gave a narcotic and sedated him.  Rader went back down one more time, I gave another shot of muscle relaxer that Dr left me, and now he has been up since 5pm.  It will be a long night checking on him every hour through the night.

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