Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

The vet was out to see Nilo today.  He is not doing well.  We drew blood and started on Banamine and an antibiotic.  Vet bills and meds are costly, but it is our job to make sure every animal is given the best care, the best chance at a wonderful, long life.  Nilo has been losing weight, and getting weak.  He is not himself.  He was fat and rolly polly when him and Penny were together, now he looks like a different horse.  We have tried to up his feed, but it's time to get the vet involved.  We should receive the blood results this weekend.Saying a prayer for my boy tonight.  At only 22, Ni still has many good years left, and both penny and I need him.

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