Friday, September 26, 2014

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Missing Lil Andy today.  Some days are still harder than others.  With Nilo being sick, it is scary and brings back so many bad memories.  Losing one of these guys is never easy.  With Lil Andy I think it hit me harder than any other.  I have some reflection now.  When Andy was sick, Doc said his chance to live was only 10%.  I kept him alive; now I see that was for me, not him.  Doc knew, Freddie knew, and I kept him alive because of that 10%.  It was for me, not him.  I can see that now.  I couldn't then.  I prayed that he would pull through, that he would overcome the odds.  I prayed he was stronger than most, that he would fall in that 10%.  It was not to be.  It never was.  I will never keep an animal alive for me again.  I will let go.  I will be stronger.  I will do it for them.  Andy Mom loves and misses you so much...and always will!

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