Saturday, September 6, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

All of the horses are doing good.  Everyone is drinking enough water, it's still pretty hot here, so water intake is monitored daily.  Anyone who isn't drinking as much as they should get's electrolytes.  Our barn dog, OJ Mayo went to the vet with an injured leg.  X rays were done and our boy has bone cancer.  He is 6 years old and a Pit bull/ Mastiff mix.  We rescued OJ after someone had stole him from under a fence scaring his back for the rest of his life.  My hotel was in pr opening and he was just a pup. OJ bonded with Kahlua after Jordan passed and they were insuperable until she passed a year ago.  OJ is unable to use his back leg.  Amputation is an option, but would be hard on him and only buy him a couple months.  We will keep him comfortable on pain meds as long as we can.  This is the hardest part of rescue, dog or horse, they are all our kids!

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