Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Fed in the dark this morning and Hope didn't get up to eat.  Fancy and Hope get 2 flakes and grain at one end and are fed first, then they get 2 more flakes and grain at the other end and are fed there last.  Sometimes when it's dark Hope takes a little while to get up, but today she stayed down when I gave them their feed at each end, which is not normal for her.  I started cleaning and she was still down, I started to get a little worried.  She seemed to be having a hard time getting up.  Not sure if she was just tired or maybe the chilly night had her bones a little stiff.  I helped her get up and she ran right to Fancy to nurse which is what she does when she is stressed or upset.  She was fine later when I checked on her, but I will be keeping an eye on her.

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