Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Halo is doing better, he went down again last night.  At around 2am he got another dose of banamine, and hasn't gone down since.  I am very worried about Graham.  He has only drank about a gallon of water in two days.  I started him on a bran mash with electrolytes, but if he won't drink soon he is very susceptible to colic.  It's the weather changes, it's so hard on these guys. I just wish everything would stabilize.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Halo colicd tonight.  Poor baby.  It's so heartbreaking when they are sick.  Gave him some Banamine, Electrolytes, and walked him about 45 minutes.  He's been up an hour or so now.  I think he will pull through without the vet.  He will need to be monitored through the night.  I haven't had a long night for about a month or so, I guess I'm due.  For the love of the horse...

Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

The rain came and it's a mess.  Since the ground was already so wet, everything is a flooded mess.  The horses are doing ok with it.  Careful gets real nervous and has to eat by the others instead of her usual spot and Hope will not come out from the cover, but other than those two, they all hate it but tolerate it.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The rain is supposed to be back tomorrow morning.  It is supposed to be pouring when it's time for breakfast feed.  It won't be that cold, so no need for blankets.  It will just be messy again.  It's still wet from the last rain.  Usually we don't get a lot of rain, but it's supposed to be a wet winter.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My step son and his girlfriend are visiting from Phoenix.  They love the horses and are a big help around the farm. They have been helping feed, clean, and do waters. It seems like it's just a few little things, but it is a huge help.Every little bit helps. I will be sad to see them go. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Hope is already doing a little better.  I think she may always be prone to get diarrhea with any change in diet or surroundings.  It's something that has happened a few times with her and was a constant issue when she was first born.  Knowing a horse from birth helps a lot when knowing how serious a medical or behavior problem is. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014

Coastal has settled in nicely and Gulch is so happy to have a friend again, he's literally jumping for joy.  He was starting to act lonely and picking up bad habits. Now he has a new found freshness about him.  Rader may have found a new home, sent some video of him in the arena, hope it works out.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Hope has had diarrhea the past couple days.  The hay is a little different and the weather, it's to be expected.  She is not the only one and she has had this problem a couple times since she was born.  I started adding Platinum Bio Sponge to her grain the past 2 feedings and am already seeing improvement.  Platinum is expensive, and Bio Sponge costs about $4 /day in the powder form, if it gets worse and I have to use the tubed version it will be about $6/day; but it works great.   Especially in the winter when getting them to drink can be challenging; diarrhea is a big concern.  With 19 horses on the farm, there are so many moving parts;  It's our job to make sure nothing is missed, concerning each horse, ever!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Good morning Fog.  What a beautiful foggy morning.  Lot's of chores to do after such a rainy week, but how wonderful and what a change to wake up and not able to see the front gate through the fog.  Dragging the wet turnouts turned out beautiful. What a great Saturday morning.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Welcome to SCR, Coastal Souvenir!  Coastal was vanned off of the track during a race at Del Mar in 2011.  He tore his left hind suspensory.  Most horses would have been put down, and maybe he should have, but the vet on duty said he displayed a will to live.  The owners and trainer were ready to make the decision, but the vet donated his time and treatment; called a rescue and the rest is history.  Coastal was rehabbed over the next couple years and then placed with a lady who had dreams of making his a therapy horse.  The lady was trampled by a horse, in the hospital for weeks; had her farm ramshacked, and hasn't recovered.  She was not able to feed or care for her farm of horses.  People stepped in and took a bunch of her horses.  Coastal was one.  He is now safe and sound at SCR.  He was not nearly as thin as some of the others, but emotionally he needs some SCR down time.  He is next to Gulch in a stall where he will be given good hay, we will work him into Rice bran and SR feed, over the next month.  We hope that he will be able t be turned out with Careful Thought in January; after he re accumulates back into good care.  Taking in another horse means more expenses; but we couldn't say no to a horse who has been through so much and needed a soft place to fall. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Evy is a little lame in her front left.  Don't see anything in it, her frog has a little thrush like Dream did, after a couple days of thrush remover she should be fine.  It's a little harder process with her, she is not as calm as Dream is and get's mad and chases away all the horses off their feed once I try to catch her.  Oh and she hates Bute, but we will get her well, if I don't kill her trying :).

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

It continues to rain.  The ground is completely flooded.  All the horses are a mess.  The stalls are so hard to clean.  Hope hates the water, she is the only one that stays under her cover no matter what.  Most every one else will stand in the rain, Hope acts like it is poison.  At least she is staying clean.  Plus she has an endless buffet from Momma so that's convenient for her too.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The rain has started.  It has rained all day.  The stalls are muddy and a mess.  Careful was a little cold, but once she got her hay, she warmed right up.  Everyone got extra hay to last them into the night.  It's supposed to rain all night and I don't want anyone getting chilly, now that they are wet. Hope the rain stops soon.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The weather is cold but not freezing.  In the mornings we can feed in just a sweatshirt, sometimes by the time we get to the front we can even feed in short sleeves.  Only 2 feedings this winter have my hands even been cold.  We usually don't blanket the horses anyhow.  Every one has a nice winter coat, and even if it get's colder they should be fine.  The wind is the worst part, and so far it's not been too windy.  We are expecting rain this week, but the temperatures should be nice and cool, not freezing.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Everyone did great today.  The boys all got out.  Hope was walked and feet picked up, she was a star. She acted up when the daddy was holding her, but I took her away and just lifted her feet, and held her at the same time and she was a gem.  Baby C did great we walked him around and even lifted his front feet.  My kids are so smart.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Graham is doing so well.  I am slowly getting him back into the routine of having a job.  Man is he smart.  He has had the best manners lately and I think is having a great time.  I saddled him up today and trotted him in the round pen a little.  He is crazy athletic, and so awesome to ride.  Looking forward to his continued training and his new career.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Gulch is getting lonely.  He is a horses horse type of stallion.  He likes having a friend.  He was a handful last time we turned him out. I think he is just telling us he needs someone in his neighboring stall.  We have the little boys, but Flash and Brody get a little too rambunctious when they are next to each other.  I need to figure out who will make a good friend for Gulchy soon.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving.  Great day today, no work, so I have a lot of time to spend with the kids.  I am so thankful for each and everyone of these guys.  Whether I picked them out, they came to us due to circumstances beyond their control, or they are fosters; I love them all.  I wouldn't want to spend the holiday in any other way, than right here at the farm with all these amazing creatures.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Flash is a hoarder.  It's so funny, once Baby C puts one of the toys in Flash's stall it ends up next to his water and will never go back to Baby C.  They love to play with the toys together, and as long as Baby C keeps it, they will play, if he let's Flash take it, it's gone into the dungeon of Flash. Every day I move some toys back to Baby C.  Colts are so fun, I just never get sick of colts.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Some of the horses are "talkers" they call to you every time they see you.  Dream is one of those.  She is very sweet and loves attention.  Evy sometimes. Enchilada is another, when you come out to feed and he spots you he is so happy to eat.  When you get to his stall he will bob his head, and talk until you throw his hay.  Rader loves carrots the most but will sometimes call for hay as well.  Feeding time is so fun.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

Stallions will be Stallions.  I swear anyone who loves horses for just their beauty and the personalities must have a stallion.  There is no greater animal that a stallion. Not only are they the most regal of all animals they are fun.  Graham is such a cool horse!  He is gorgeous. He is athletic.  He is a challenge.  The tree that fell in his stall he is obsessed with. He moved it, I am not kidding he moved it.  I could not budge it, but he moved it off the fence, into his stall.  That silly boy!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Well we made it through the night.  The wind was terrible all night.  It finally slowed down around 8am this morning.  I was worried for the horses and wanted to make sure they were ok, and that we didn't lose any more trees.  Or that any trees hurt the horses.  Everyone made it through just fine!  Thank goodness.  The Mommy didn't sleep much, but at least everyone is safe.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Happy birthday to my human son, Chico.  The wind continues.  It's dangerous at this point.  Winds of 25 mph.  We have downed trees.  One in Graham's stall.  One fell on the truck and broke the mirror.  I moved our cars to the middle of the property.  It's almost scary.  I will be checking on things through the night.

Friday, November 21, 2014

It's very windy here at the farm.  The wind is the hardest on the horses.  Worse than rain or snow.  Not only does it blow the dirt in their faces and eyes, it blows their hay all over the place and worst yet it scares them.  I hope it ends soon.  It's also hard on the humans, it's very hard to do chores when it's very windy. Hope the cold air blows in, the warm air out and we can stabilize soon.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Well the Mule is working...for now.  The new battery didn't work at first.  Freddie cleaned everything off and it started, I just hope it keeps starting.  The lawn tractor is just not practical to use in feeding 18 horses.  It will not idle, so every time you get off to dump hay it turns off.  Rader is still at the farm.  Man that colt loves carrots, he talks more than anyone else at carrot time. Hope he get's to go to his new family soon, but we are enjoying him while he's still at SCR.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Muley broke down.  Muley is our Kawasaki Mule that we use to feed and clean.  Without it life is so much more difficult.  We have a lawn tractor, but it is slow and not as efficient as muley is.  Going to be a long couple of weeks before we can get it looked at.  The horses won't feel a thing, but the humans definitely will.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Dream is doing much better.  She is still a little sore, but much better.  What a sweet mare she is.  It's so hard to see any of your kids in pain, but it being a hoof problem and that being Penny's mom, I was a little panicked.  Such a relief she is healing!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

Dream is still a little lame but doing much better.  Careful Thought is doing good. Hope has been a spoiled brat the last few days.  She thinks it is her right to be able to eat the grain out of the bucket at each end.  She now eats at he west end, then runs to the east end to meet you at the gate to steal a bite of grain, before Fancy eats it.  Little brat!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Graham was amazing today.  What a smart boy.  He took to lunging very well.  Had a hard time going right, but was able to start going right and even trotted a bit.  He walked over perfectly and stood in the cross ties well.  I think he's enjoying the attention as much as I am giving it to him.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014

I finally did it.  I saddled Graham today.  He did excellent.  What a gorgeous boy under saddle.  I think he wanted to race.  He started calling and the look in his eye said bring it on.  He got excited, it's as if he wanted to run again, he missed working.  I hope he loves his new career as a jumper as much as he loved racing.  He is so athletic I know he will be amazing, I'm the only one that can hold him back!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Got home tonight, Dream is lame on her front left.  I run out pick up her hoof, she has a rock and a small wire stuck into her frog.  I took care of it, gave her some butte; and I hope she feels better soon.  Dream is such a gentle mare.  reminds me so much of Penny.  She does whatever I ask of her.  What a sweet girl she is, I hope she feels better soon.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

After a stressful day at work, I come home and all the kids were just perfect.  Everyone was happy.  Careful's leg was doing well.  The pasture horses are great, drinking enough healthy, called to me when they saw me.  Hope wanted some attention today, she tells you when she needs some extra love and will go out of her way to get you to rub on her.  What a good way to end my day!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

It was really windy last night at feeding time.  Apparently the feed buckets in the pasture come alive when it is windy, lol.  Star and Dream would not eat out of their feeders.  They were trying to get the blowing hay from Duette and Robyn.  I finally had to go get their flakes and throw them on the ground near the other girls.  These kids are so silly sometimes.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veteran's Day.  What a beautiful day we woke up to.  A small breeze, chilly, but not cold.  We were expecting a new horse this week.  He was adopted out years ago by another organization SCR works closely with.  His new owner had moved to NY and was boarding him at a facility that was not taking care of him.  SCR opened our doors, however his original breeder has agreed to take him back.  We love breeders and owners that take responsibility for their animals throughout their life.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

It hasn't been too cold the last couple days and the flies are back.  Seriously mid November and I had to pull out the fly spray.  Woke up to no electric, which means no water.  Everyone has enough to get them through the day, filling buckets tonight will just take a little longer.  Electric should be back on by 11am.  According to SCE it was power lines down due to a car accident.  People need to seriously slow down. Glad we won't be without electric for too long.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Well Rader is still here, not sure why the transport didn't pick up, but we will keep him here till they are ready for him in Bakersfield, he's a doll to have around the barn.  Easy day around the farm, collected the fly masks to wash and store for next year (didn't wash yet, that will come later in the week).  Need to order hay on Monday.  One thing the kids are good at is eating. No one at SCR will ever be hungry!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Spent quality time with everyone toady.  Dragged the boys areas, not Careful.  He leg has been bothering her lately and it makes her nervous when I drag or when I put her in a stall, so better leave her alone for now.  The ground squirrels stole my purple halter, like seriously gone.  I need to go into the dirt field to search for it.  Penny's tree is full of yellow flowers, made my day!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Gulch is getting sick of being by himself.  He hasn't had a horse next to him since Lil Andy passed and I think he is lonely.  We are looking to move people around, but for now I try to spend a little extra time with him each day.  I have been putting Tea Tree Oil on his hoofs, heard they make them stronger.  He also loves to play the game where he will not let me out of his staff after I clean it.  He will not budge.  I try to tap his butt, tell him to move, nothing works.  He will move one inch so I can squeeze the poop bucket by.  I swear stallions are the most playful, silly animals!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Started feeding Graham on the ground when I can.  He always paces by his feeder at feed time and is digging quite the hole.  I hate for him to eat with his butt in the air and head in the feeder.  I think even though I hate ground feeding it is a more natural position and therefore he will benefit.  I can always feed psyllium to curb any dirt intake.Daily we try new things and look at every horse, their behavior, and look at what they may need.  Nothing is ever set in stone, things change daily at SCR. We must keep up with the changes the horses show and tell us, and respond.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Looks like Rader is staying a couple more days.  His new transport day is Sunday.  Graham and Brody love their buddy; I know they are happy he is still here.  The horses love the cool weather.  Everyone is doing really good and are drinking like they should.  The 5 pasture horses and Duette/ Robyn are actually drinking a lot.  No electrolytes needed yet, everyone is doing exactly what they are supposed to.  What a relief. The cool weather is nice but you always have to watch water intake, so far my kids are champs!

Tuesday, November 4,2014

Rader was supposed to leave to his new home yesterday, but transport was postponed.  It's hard to see them leave. Rader has colic'd once since he's been here and it was pretty bad.  You get very emotionally attached when you go through something like that with them.  You just have to know that for every open stall you make room for another in need, another that will touch you and a difference in their life you will make.  Rader is going onto a new life to be a Daddy.  He has a great temperament and great racing bloodlines.  I am happy for him and his new family, whenever he leaves SCR.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Life on the farm is back to normal after a "vacation" weekend.  The kids are happy to be back and schedule.  The Peahens are glad they are not in bed by the time we feed.  Dream and Star are happily back in their own feeding spots at meal time.  Mom is slowly getting back to reality and out of vacation mode.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

No Lazy day Sunday.  Drug the boys area, worked with Hope a little, worked on Grahams stall; and Freddie did all the waters. That's just the short list.  Had to get stuff done since we have been at the races for the last two days.  Trying to do 2 days worth of chores around here in one day is a lot of work.  No football for the humans today!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day two of Breeder's Cup, hooray for the humans, the kids are not thrilled to eat at 7pm at night.  Dream was so upset last night, she had to take a bite of Star's hay fast before Star got to it.  Dream never does that, she knows her place in the herd.  Everyone else is fine.  No colics or anything like that, which sometimes happens when they get thrown off their routine.  Would be very awesome to see Hope at SA in 2016!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Breeder's Cup starts today.  So glad it's being held at Santa Anita, this means we can enjoy a day of Championship Races and still come home to our kids each evening. The kids will not be happy to eat after dark, but we fed a little late in the morning, so they should be fine.  Wishing all the horses and jockeys a safe trip today.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Really second guessing what I do today.  Don't know that I can lose any others.  My heart is broken into so many pieces.  At this point I am running on necessity.  I continue to feed and clean for everyone, but my heart is empty.  Not sure what the future of SCR is at this point.  I will continue to care for the horses we have, but we will cease taking into new horses at this point.  I need to take a couple weeks to evaluate the situation.  Please bare with me during this time of mourning.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

There are no words.  I can't stop the tears.  It's days like these that make me question SCR.  I'm not strong enough to deal with the loss.  Sadness has overcome the farm.  The last 1302 days have been the best of my life.  Penny was my gift from heaven.  I will miss her every second.  She blessed my life for 3 years, 6 months, and 23 days.  A life taken way too soon.  That gentle soul, perfect face, amazing baby was my life.  Everything seems so unimportant right now.  Tell Nilo he better take care of you my baby girl, I know he will, he missed you!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Well this was the first morning all year that I fed in a sweatshirt and jeans, I guess fall is officially here.  It's going to be a long day waiting for the vet to check Penny.  My appointment is at 4pm.  She is not doing better, even on the medication.  I fear it's really bad.  I hope she can pull through.  It's so hard to see her in such pain.  She has stopped calling to me at feeding time, and her eye is not as bright as usual.  Please send prayers Penny's way.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

Penny is not doing well.  She has taken a drastic turn for the worse.  The combination of getting trimmed and the hay being a little too much alfalfa, has made her left front foot completely lame.  I have but her on Butte which is the strongest medication we can put her on, and it is not working.  The vet will be out tomorrow.  Prayers for Penny please!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The farm is surrounded by great neighbors.  When the well breaks it puts a ton of strain on us.  The horses need water and we will not let them down, no matter what we have to do if it meant getting gallon jugs.  Our neighbors Patrick and Catherine gave us a water tank.  We can get it filled locally for $20.  Now we need to get it on a trailer and get a water hose connection.  When we run out of water from now on we will have back up.  Thank goodness for good neighbors.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Farrier day today.  The bills never stop in rescue.  $40 a trim and $100 for shoes, it ads up really fast.  We did Penny, Halo, Baby, Dream, Red Hot, Duette, Robyn, Hope, Rader and Gulch.  It was a long day.  I am glad I have such a great team of farriers.  Robert and Jeanne are the best. They are so patient with the bad ones, and even take extra time to work with Hope on trimming and leading.  It truly takes a village to rescue these horses.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Came home to the stalls cleaned and waters filled.  The house cleaned and dinner ready.  Haven't had this great of day in a while.  The horses actually got their stalls cleaned twice today and my mom wet Careful, Enchilada, Duette, Baby, Dream and Evy.  They all look like rag a muffins after getting wet and rolling. I think the peahens even got extra treats.  Everyone will miss Grammy!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

My Mom is in town.  It's so great to have her here.  The kids are in heaven.  Careful Thought and Bella are probably the happiest.  Careful loves my mom because she always wets her.  Careful loves the hose and mom is always happy to wet her, no matter how hot or cool it is she loves it.  Bella is so spoiled by Grammy.  She gets extra time in the house and plenty of goodies.  Grandma time is enjoyed by all.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Oh no the flies are back.  They had gotten better, but seems now they are back with a vengeance.  I guess it's not getting cold enough at night to be rid of them.  The horses are done with them and so am I.  They are so bad, I may even need to get the fly spray out!  It's mid October, this has got to stop :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I've decided to start working with Graham to break to ride.  He is currently track broke and that's it.  After I start riding him, I am going to start working with a trainer to start jumping.  It's been my dream for a while, just haven't had the time or horse to do it.  Graham is athletic and tall enough to make a pretty great jumper.  I am excited for this new adventure.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Duette and Robyn make the sweetest pasture pals.  Duette and Red Hot hate each other so she can't be with the pasture 5.  Robyn and her both eat 2 flakes twice a day and even though Robyn is one of our biggest mares and Duette is one of the smallest it really works well.  Duette is the boos, go figure; but at least we have harmony.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Brody and Rader have a new thing where they share a water bucket.  The first time I though maybe Brody hadn't drank all day, then I realized Rader drank double.  Brody has to reach all the way over the fence, but manages to just so he can share with his friend.  We are going to move Rader's next cleaning day so we can better monitor each of them, but for now they really like sharing.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Happy Saturday.  All the boys got turned out today.  Graham didn't rear up, even once.  They all had a great time during their turn out.  Gulch loves to buck.  Graham likes to smell for the other horses, Brody and Flash like to run.  Rader runs a little, but just likes to hang out.  It's funny how they all respond and spend their turn out time.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hope is getting to be such a big girl.  She is so independent, she rarely eats with Fancy.  She really loves doing her own thing.  She still sleeps a lot as she continues to grow.  He mane is falling to the side, but still has a little ways to grow.  She loves to chase Freddie but knows that is a no, no with Mommy.  She also helps her dad clean stalls, but I do not like helpers.  My lil girl is growing up every day, she is almost 7 months, and still growing.  Almost time to wean!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Baby C cut his mouth.  It's not bad, just right on the corner where the skin is so soft so it looks worse than it is after we cleaned it.  I'm sure he got it playing and cut it on the fence, we'll have to check al the corners and fencing.  The kids are always getting into something and hurting themselves.  Thank goodness no vet needed this time.

Wednesday, October 15

Flash sure has been a nice colt lately.  He is starting to calm down, although he still able to get every halter I put on him off, he is better about being caught  He catches easily when turned out, but still needs some work on his feet.  Thank goodness he wears his feet very evenly so we only get him trimmed 2-3 times a year and he is still perfect.  I love it when the colts start to mature.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The three older boys; Graham, Rader, and Brody are so much fun to watch.  They are such characters.  Rader and Brody play all the time.  Graham is learning how to play, but you can tell how he loves interacting with Rader.  It's so good for the Stallions to be able to be around other horses and have toys in their stalls as well.  It really keeps boredom under control. Happy Horses, equals Happy Mommy.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday's are tough on everyone around here.  No one likes getting back into work week routine.  It means seeing less of their humans and the horses and dogs do not like that.  Things are cooling down little by little, so that does have everyone feeling their oats in the mornings.  Even Gulch was kicking up his heels.  We love the fall.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Lazy Day Sunday.  After the chores are done, we like to just kind of hang out.  Spend time on the yard, or cleaning waters, or just hanging out with the animals.  Life on the farm is so peaceful.  The horses have such great personalities and it's fun to just be around them.  Thanks goodness for Sundays.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

I love Saturdays.  With the weather getting nicer, I just want to stay outside all day.  Saturday is always my drag day, where I clean Halo and Enchilada's areas and run the dogs, work with Hope turn Penny out, brush manes that need it and just enjoy the horses.  With all the daily chores, it's nice to actually enjoy the farm once in a while.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Baby has taken over spot number 3 in the pasture at feeding time.  Her and Star have been switching back and forth, but Baby has taken number 3 bucket for the last week and it looks like it will be permanent.  It's funny how everyone has their routine at feed time.  Red Hot is number one, but Evy has to grab a bite of his, Evy 2, and Dream always the last bucket.  Baby always goes to her bucket and waits for me, the others walk around until I am ready to dump theirs.  Funny how horses behave in a herd.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Halo continues to enjoy meal time.  When he came to the farm a couple months ago, he was not used to eating on a regular basis without any other horses trying to fight him and take his food.  He is now alone and has gotten so used to regular feedings that sometimes he will walk away to check out what the other horses are doing, just to be nosy.  The weather is starting to let up a little, no more 100's.  Everyone is enjoying it!

Wednesday, October 8

Everyone is doing really good around the farm.  Careful Thought is still limping some mornings on her back leg, but it's to be expected with an old injury.  She really doesn't seem to mind too much, we just have to try to keep her from kicking at the boys.  I only drag her area once a month because when I leave her out she tries to run, and if I put her in a stall she paces.  She has enough room it doesn't get too dirty, so monthly works for both of us.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

All the animals at SCR are doing great.  Today I will discuss something I usually wouldn't on the SCR blog, but under the circumstances feel it is necessary.  We are racing fans.  We believe that race horses love what they do; they love their jobs, they are born to run, and that it is in their blood.  We love the sport, support the sport and the people involved in the sport.  Are there good and bad people in every industry?  Most definitely! I love our horses, they are my family.  There are few people I would trust with my horses; but it must be someone who loves them as I do.  It must be a team that understands the animal, that is in it not only for the business aspect, but because they love these animals! I just want to say, don't believe everything you read.  We believe in right!  Good things happen to good people, just believe....

Monday, October 6, 2014

At SCR we try to keep the horses social.  Even Stallions we believe should be able to be near other horses.  Horses love being around each other.  Graham for instance was not ready to be in a stall next to another horse until we had him for about 2 years.  The stallions are actually the most playful.  We make sure they have toys if they like them and always something to stimulate and keep them from bad habits.  Rader and Brody love to play as do Baby C and Flash.  They almost always have a bite mark somewhere.  It's nothing serious.  We did receive one gelding that had bite marks literally all over his poor little body, that we would never allow here.  Friendly stallion playing bites are another thing.  We monitor the horses daily; their coats, behaviors, anything unusual, but small play bites are something else, and are ok.  Anything more we would move them, but seeing two horses play and enjoy each other is something very special. Feel free to come by anytime and enjoy for yourself.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Another warm day with lot's of flies.  Penny spent an hour turned out and her feet seem fine.  That's great news.  Careful, the 5 pasture kids, Baby C, Flash, Graham and Gulch all got their waters cleaned today.  Hope is quite the little Diva.  What a sweet filly, but she is adorable and knows it.  She is going to be very high maintenance.  Coyotes were out this morning, but all the Peas are doing well.  Goodnight to a great weekend!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Great day.  It was warm, but everyone drank really good.  Got a couple water's cleaned.  $1100 worth of hay delivered, it will last 2 weeks.  Penny is doing good.  I've been turning her out more, her feet are doing good and she needs something to keep her mind off Nilo.  Hope has been a brat lately.  She is very demanding when she wants attention.  She will not let you out of her arena.  You must give her a nice massage before you pay your way out of he arena! I have the most spoiled children!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

Penny did really good when they took Nilo away.  I was surprised at how calm she was.  The vet's recommendation to let her see him be put down and doing it next to her stall really helped.  She was able mourn him and seemed at peace.  Haven't figured out who if anyone to put next her.  So glad it's Friday, can get her out this weekend. The weather is supposed to be warm, but it should be nice.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Yesterday I said goodbye to a dear friend.  After fighting an infection and on antibiotics for weeks, last night I made the tremendously difficult decision to put Nilo down.  The antibiotics became too much and he became toxic, after that he started to colic.  Even with the strongest pain medication he was still in so much pain, that I could not make him live one more minute for me.  It's my duty as the person who loves, cares for, and devotes my life to these animals to make the hard decisions.  To put their well being and needs above my own, as hard as it may be.  Not a day will go by that I won't miss him.  Not many people or animals have made an impact on my life the way he did.  I will never forget walking into the pitch black pasture one night and whistling, and there was my boy, he ran right to me.  He remembered..and so will I.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Nilo had a really rough night.  We took about 100 steps backwards.  He didn't eat or drink and had diarrhea all over his stall.  I cleaned him off, gave him some electrolytes and Banamine.  It seemed to help a little, he was a little more active, but still not eating his grain.  If he doesn't improve tonight looks like the vet will need to come back out.   Hoping today is a good day.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Well Nilo absolutely hates all the medication he is taking, he spits it up every time.  One is bright red and one is pink.  I think every shirt I have is now "tie dyed" thanks to Ni. Penny takes her's so nicely, I never wear any of her gray meds.  Hope was fine yesterday and this morning.  Brody and Rader got their water buckets cleaned they were very dirty, probably all the dust Brody stirs up from pacing. The weather is perfect in the mornings, cool and crisp!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Fed in the dark this morning and Hope didn't get up to eat.  Fancy and Hope get 2 flakes and grain at one end and are fed first, then they get 2 more flakes and grain at the other end and are fed there last.  Sometimes when it's dark Hope takes a little while to get up, but today she stayed down when I gave them their feed at each end, which is not normal for her.  I started cleaning and she was still down, I started to get a little worried.  She seemed to be having a hard time getting up.  Not sure if she was just tired or maybe the chilly night had her bones a little stiff.  I helped her get up and she ran right to Fancy to nurse which is what she does when she is stressed or upset.  She was fine later when I checked on her, but I will be keeping an eye on her.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

What a perfect day here in Rosamond.  The horses are loving the weather and so are we.  Everyone is playing and full of energy. Nilo is now on new meds we are hoping that these help.  His current medications are about $30/ day.  Sick horses are costly to the rescue, but we must make sure they receive the best of care.  Nilo will get stronger each day, and be 100% in no time.  Today the dogs got to run with the mule and I cleaned up the scrap hay.  The weekends are the best to get the little things complete...Happy Sunday!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Today was drag day Saturday.  We drag Halo and Enchilada's area every week, Careful's bi weekly and the pasture crew Monthly.  We don't clean their areas each day, when they are in large areas this works best.  We also run the dogs on weekends.  This morning was chilly, so it was wonderful.  We barely wanted to go in the house.  We let Penny out and she ran her heart out, Nilo had the biggest fit in his stall, bucking and rearing.  He hates Penny being away from him.  It's not good behavior, but shows his energy level is increasing, which is great.  Penny went back in her stall great today (sometimes she won't go in and has to be backed in).  So far this is shaping up to be a great day!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Hooray it was in the 80's today.  Thank goodness, fall is finally here.  Nilo is starting to call when I come with the feed.  His feed has steadily been increased and he is eating it all.  His bacterial infection is getting better each day and his coat is growing.  Baby steps, but steps forward is all that matters.  Star has a small cut on her leg.  No need for medical care, a little silver spray and she will be fine.  Horses love getting into things, so it's no big deal.  We just need to make sure everyday we look at each horse carefully to look for new cuts, soreness, or different behavior.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Rader is doing great and back to his old self.  Penny is doing great as well.  Her feet et better everyday.  She continues to lose weight and is starting to look really good.  Careful is not in heat anymore, but her back left hock is still locking up on her.  She is alright and will have leg issues through her whole life.  The best we can do is give her butte when it's worst and manage it.  She will always be turned out in large areas when we can, as walking helps stretch it out.  Every horse here receives individualized care, feed, and housing.  It is best for everyone that way.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Yesterday was the first day of fall.  We kind of skipped over it, with a sick horse and temperatures still in the 90's it was hard to celebrate.  The horses love the cooler weather.  The first few days once we cool down will be volatile because sometimes they forget to drink enough and will need electrolytes but after that they love it.  I love it too.  Feeding and cleaning is so much easier in the cold weather than the hot.  I pray that as the weather cools Nilo will get stronger and stronger.  The heat zaps his energy and makes it hard for him to recover. Fall here we come...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rader stayed up all night.  He only got half of his breakfast this am, bran mash, and electrolytes.  He acted like I was starving him.  He was not a happy boy.  Now that he is feeling a little better he is starting to be full of himself again.  It's so great to see.  This afternoon his stall was a mess.  I usually get onto him (ok yes I talk to all the horses when I feed and clean their stalls, so I'll ask "Rader why do you have such a messy stall for Mommy to clean?"), but today I was so happy he had been playing with the other stallions. I have never been so happy to clean a messy stall.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Rader colic'd today.  It was really bad.  I was leaving for work when I saw him paw the ground.  I stopped and watched him a couple minutes, then he went down.  I got Banamine, but an hour later he kept going down.  It was really bad.  Dr. B came out and oiled him, gave a muscle relaxer, and he seemed to get better. Doc left and 30 minutes later he was back down, worse than before.  He literally laid down while I was walking him and I could not get him back up.  It is so horrible watching them in so much pain.  They are helpless and look at you like "please help me".  Doc came back out gave a narcotic and sedated him.  Rader went back down one more time, I gave another shot of muscle relaxer that Dr left me, and now he has been up since 5pm.  It will be a long night checking on him every hour through the night.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Halo continues to gain weight.  His bite wounds are healing and his coat is starting to look good.  He is cribbing less and less and I think it's helping him gain weight.  He still loves hanging out with Enchilada, and spends most of his time near him.  Sometimes he will go over and hang out looking at Nilo and Penny.  The weight is easiest to change, the mental damage that neglect does is the hardest to cure. Slowly he is gaining confidence, and becoming a normal horse again.  I love to witness transformations, it's so special and rewarding.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The PA Derby is today.  What a race, hoping Chrome can do it.  Chrome reminds us of Lil Andy.  Some rescues are against racing.  At SCR we love the game.  It is the only horse industry that mandates lip tattoos. It gives us a way to track these amazing athletes.  How many Arabians, QH, or NSH's end up at auction. No way to trace their background.  TB race horses are trackable.  It gives them a voice.  It  makes sure everyone knows where they came from.  Gives them hope that some connection somewhere in their life still cares.  We will always care.  Thank you Jockey Club for giving these amazing horses a voice.

Friday, September 19, 2014

When will this heat end?  Thank goodness it's not 100 anymore, but still in the 90's it's starting to wear on everyone.  Nilo is having a tough time.  The pasture horses love their blue trough still and empty it almost every day.  Everyone up front, which is all the boys, are doing ok. Hope is a trooper.  I come home sometimes and she is covered in dry sweat.  She has the best attitude still.  She is a fighter and will deal with anything.  My little girl is amazing.  I love how happy she always is.  She just wants a back rub.  Life is all about back rubs!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Well Nilo is not doing much better, so Doc thinks we should start a new round of meds.  Doc would like to see more improvement by now.  Ni is eating his grain better and about 2 flakes twice a day.  He is still weaker than we would like.  Nilo hates taking the medication, so adding an additional one is not fun.  He runs from me when I come in his stall with the syringe.  I wish I could tell him it is to help make him feel better, but he does not understand.  We will get through this...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Life is quiet lately.  It's still very warm, but everyone is doing well.  Penny and Ni still on meds.  Everyone else continues to enjoy the last part of summer.  Everyone is drinking well.  Rader, Halo, and enchilada continue to do well and gain weight.  They are all very aware of the feeding schedule now.  Enchilada calls at feeding time.  halo spends most his day near Enchilada or careful.  It's very cool to see the relationships form. We have such a great family.  Everyone has their own place.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

So everyone keeps a different kind of stall.  Our Arabians tend to keep themselves much cleaner than out Thoroughbreds.  Baby C keeps a great stall, Flash is pretty clean too.  Graham is so active his stall is always a mess, as is Raders.  Brody is our best stall keeper, he is a neat freak.  Gulch is ok, he likes to go potty where he eats sometimes, but it's never as bad as Graham or Rader.  Funny how every horse is so different; from personality, to the way they eat, to the type of stall they keep.  Many personalities around here.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Nilo's results are back.  He has a pretty bad infection.  Low white blood cell count.  My boy is very sick. The vet bills keep adding up.  We will keep him on meds and put him on medicated shampoo for a bacterial infection.  Having sick kids is the worst.  they are so helpless.  I am their voice.  I am their hope.  I will get Nilo back to 100%.  I will fight for him.  I will love him enough to make him fight.  We will get through this.  The weather is not helping.  The heat is so hard on him.  If we can get to fall, his healing will be even faster.

Sunday, September 14. 2014

Sleepy Sunday.  Everything is calm at the farm.  It's still very warm.  Everyone is drinking well, and doing ok with the heat.  No extra chores today.  Penny and Nilo are still on meds.  They continue to be in stalls.  They hate it, but they hate being away from each other more.  Careful is in heat, so she continues to kick at the boys.  She always loses some weight when she is in heat, hope this ends soon.  Too bad we can't set up some TV's in the barn and have a barn football party.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Missing Lil Andy today.  Some days are still harder than others.  With Nilo being sick, it is scary and brings back so many bad memories.  Losing one of these guys is never easy.  With Lil Andy I think it hit me harder than any other.  I have some reflection now.  When Andy was sick, Doc said his chance to live was only 10%.  I kept him alive; now I see that was for me, not him.  Doc knew, Freddie knew, and I kept him alive because of that 10%.  It was for me, not him.  I can see that now.  I couldn't then.  I prayed that he would pull through, that he would overcome the odds.  I prayed he was stronger than most, that he would fall in that 10%.  It was not to be.  It never was.  I will never keep an animal alive for me again.  I will let go.  I will be stronger.  I will do it for them.  Andy Mom loves and misses you so much...and always will!

Friday, September 12, 2014

The vet was out to see Nilo today.  He is not doing well.  We drew blood and started on Banamine and an antibiotic.  Vet bills and meds are costly, but it is our job to make sure every animal is given the best care, the best chance at a wonderful, long life.  Nilo has been losing weight, and getting weak.  He is not himself.  He was fat and rolly polly when him and Penny were together, now he looks like a different horse.  We have tried to up his feed, but it's time to get the vet involved.  We should receive the blood results this weekend.Saying a prayer for my boy tonight.  At only 22, Ni still has many good years left, and both penny and I need him.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 what a day, what a day to reflect.  I am so thankful for every second I have here on the farm, rescuing these amazing animals.  My life is complete because of them.  We never know what tomorrow will bring. The happiness this rescue brings makes life worth while.  It's still extremely hot.  My job is to make sure everyone is healthy and happy.  Life on the farm is pretty simple.  I now know it is the simple things that make life what it is all about.  So today on this day of reflection, I love these kids, I love my life, and I am so thankful for every second I have with them.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The heat continues.  Everyone continues to drink a good deal of water.  Thank goodness.  This heat really can cause a lot of colics if they don't drink enough.  So far everyone is doing very good.  The current hay is really good and flakes off nicely.  Careful loves to play in her water so it's hard to tell how much she drinks and how much she empties by playing in her water.  Enchilada is such a silly boy he loves to eat.  He came to SCR a skinny boy, now has a big butt.  I love big butts!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Flash is doing good with his ground manners.  He was so skinny and neglected when he came to us, we let him be a horse too long.  Now it's time to learn some manners!  I hope that we can get him gelded this winter and get him adopted.  He is very smart and such a nice Arabian.  He is going to make a great pet for someone.  He keeps such a great stall, and has such a cute face.  He is an easy keeper.  He loves other colts and get's along with everyone we have ever put him next to, he is very playful.  I call him my little hoarder.  He always collects all his toys and puts them by his water.  I have to give some of them back to Baby C everyday.  Gelding costs money.  It also means weeks of additional work keeping them clean.  It's only safe to adopt him out once he is gelded.  Hope donations will come in to cover the surgery!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Halo continues to improve daily.  Such a nice boy, finally putting on weight.  He is cribbing less, now that is is in an area where the fence posts are harder to reach,  He is such a slow eater.  I think because he takes his time to eat even when he is out with horses he dominates it is hard to keep weight on because everyone finishes the food faster than him.  He loves Enchilada and spends most his time either near Enchilada or over looking at Penny and Nilo.  These kids are so crazy.  I love them all so much. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Careful continues to have problems with her back legs. Butte seems to help.  Back left is locking up more and more.  She is in heat so is kicking at the geldings, not good.  Everyone continues to drink pretty good.  It's so darn hot here, we are monitoring water intake day and night.  Hope is such a smart filly.  Fancy acts up a little when I lead Hope around or correct her, but that's to be expected from a good Momma.  Hope is such a good filly, not only is she adorable, she learns so fast.  It is a lot of fun working with the babies.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Saturday, September 6, 2014

While not horse rescue related, today is a very sad day at SCR.  Today we had to make the very difficult decision to have OJ, our barn dog, laid to rest.  While it is never easy to make that decision, my experience with Andy taught me an important lesson.  When Andy was colicing, at 1am Doc B said he only had 10% chance.  I was supposed to call Doc if Andy showed any sign of discomfort.  Doc had sedated him heavily and if anything was going to help him untwist his intestines it was being sedated this strong.  I woke up every half hour through the rest of the night, which I will never regret.  I checked on him faithfully.  He was up and down.  He would show some signs of hope, but it was clear the pain was too much for him.  I keep hoping the next time I came out he would be ok.  I prayed for any sign, he peed and I wanted that to say he would be ok, but his laying down and pacing told me I knew he would not recover.  Finally at 5:30 I went out, he was down.  It was light out then and I saw him covered in sweat, he looked tired, his eye told me he was done.  I called Doc.  I pet him and prayed in those next 20 minutes he would rebound.  I cut his mane for Freddie to have but could not cut a lot in case he turned around I didn't want his mane to look funny.  My mind knew he was done, my heart prayed he would come around.  Looking back he should have been laid to rest at 1am.  The 10% was for me, not really for him.  With OJ I could not keep him alive for me.  I took him on one last run with the mule, gave him one last good meal, and then said goodbye.  As hard as it is I won't keep that 10% for me ever again.  It's not fair, its selfish. I won't be selfish again!

Friday, September 5, 2014

My boy Nilo is losing weight.  He is about 21 years old and is starting to show his age a bit.  Nilo has been in my life longer than any other man or animal.  I saw Nilo be born when I was 15 years old.  I will have to have Dr. B come out in the next week or two.  I tried Soybean pellets, but they are not making a big enough difference as quickly as I would like to see.  He is such an important boy in my life I am hoping it's just him needing his teeth done and nothing bigger than that.  Penny is extremely attached to my boy, and him to her. Their bond is incredible.  I will keep everyone posted on Nilo's progress.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

As I have hard days professionally and personally; it is this rescue that get's me through.  Every morning when I go out to the barn, Dream, Red Hot, and some others always call for me.  Knowing how much they love me makes it all worth it.  I am probably closer to them than anyone.  They bring me joy and sometimes heartache, but their love makes it all worth it.  I have a special bond with each and every one of them.  It's funny how even the foster horses become part of the family so quickly.  I look at other people who use and abuse these amazing animals and just can't imagine.  There is nothing I wouldn't do for each and every one of them! Feeling overwhelmed and blessed at the same time...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

All of the horses are doing good.  Everyone is drinking enough water, it's still pretty hot here, so water intake is monitored daily.  Anyone who isn't drinking as much as they should get's electrolytes.  Our barn dog, OJ Mayo went to the vet with an injured leg.  X rays were done and our boy has bone cancer.  He is 6 years old and a Pit bull/ Mastiff mix.  We rescued OJ after someone had stole him from under a fence scaring his back for the rest of his life.  My hotel was in pr opening and he was just a pup. OJ bonded with Kahlua after Jordan passed and they were insuperable until she passed a year ago.  OJ is unable to use his back leg.  Amputation is an option, but would be hard on him and only buy him a couple months.  We will keep him comfortable on pain meds as long as we can.  This is the hardest part of rescue, dog or horse, they are all our kids!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Careful Thought's leg is bothering her today.  She is a kicker and not only has old injuries, but recently had stitches and extensive vet care from getting her leg caught in the fence kicking at the back pasture horses, and now that she is in heat she is really going after the geldings.  Nothing a little Butte won't help, no need for the vet we always have some on hand.  All medication's cost money, but the horses welfare is of utmost importance.  Horse rescues aren't cheap to operate if done right, but the rewards they bring us are priceless. With 20 on the farm, someone is usually either on meds, a special diet or something.  We manage their care individually, no one is just a number, they are all special individuals.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Holiday.  Lazy day here at the farm.  Everyone is doing well and drinking enough water with all this heat.  Something cool did happen today.  When we get new horses in they have a lot of emotional and physical damage a lot of the time.  With halo he had been thrown into a large pasture with many other horses, he eats very slow and was not the high man on the totem pole.  He had bite marks all over his entire body and was entirely too think probably a 5 on the scale.  When they get food they go after it and can't think of anything else, they are not sure when the next meal will come.  It takes them a while to realize food comes twice a day no matter what. Well today Halo walked away from his food to see the other horses.  This is huge.  It means he knows the food will be there.  Proud of my boy! Glad to know he will never be hungry or hurt again!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday, August 31, 2014

What a great morning.  Penny and Nilo were turned out, of course Penny tried to eat every crumb in the arena.  I dragged Halo, Enchilada, and Careful's areas.  Hope did pretty good, she tried to act like a brat at first but then settled in and stood still.  Fancy was her usual motherly self, it will be much easier to train Hope once she is weaned which is going to happen in October once it cools down here.  Rader and Graham are doing better than good, Graham's stall was messy and Rader's fly mask was off meaning they were playing a lot last night.  I am so excited for Grahamy!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Uneventful day.  It was really hot here today, but everyone drank a lot which is great.  I had to go to Doc B's house early this morning to get medication.  Banamine to have on hand for potential colics and Thyro-L fr Penny.  Penny has been on her meds a little over a month.  She is losing weight, but it is much harder for me to make them lose weight than it is to gain weight.  Tomorrow her and Nilo get turned out.  That is always fun.  Busy day tomorrow with a lot of chores needing to be done, so it will be an early morning.  Good night.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

What a night we had last night.  I get a text from my neighbors that a horse was loose.  We run out and it's our stallion Rader.  He is next to Graham.  They are both standing there, no noise, no screaming, no kicking and no naughty behavior.  This is the first time Graham has ever been near another horse without acting up since he came to the farm.  It was shocking and exciting.  I grab Rader and he walks away nicely.  We decide to put him in the open stall next to Graham, if they get along let's give this a try.  It worked.  They like each other.  It is always our dream for all the horses at SCR to be able to live as natural as possible.  I hated that Graham couldn't be near other horses.  Horses are heard animals and while in the wild Stallions have their own bands, we can't do that, but they still should not be alone.  This is a big day at SCR!  This is a big step in Graham's rehabilitation from race horse to farm horse!  Love my stallions so much!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014

It's days like this that I am so thankful for all my kids.  I realize how lucky I am to have each and every one of them.  It was 115 degrees when I got in my car to come home and feed.  It's horrible, you sweat in places you didn't even know existed :).  Then you stop and look around you, and listen to all the calls when they see you walking out to the barn.  You know that the heat is hard on them too.  I know it is a very volatile time and colic's are a real risk.  The heat and discomfort seems to disappear, and you realize you are their everything, and vice versa.  Honestly I love each and every one of them so much.  Thank goodness everyone drank a lot of water.  Penny never drinks enough, but I am going to talk to Dr. B about that on Saturday.  I looked at the forecast and it looks like a heat wave until Wednesday.  We can make it, fall here we come....

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hot day today. Everyone drank really well.  Hope and Flash got the day off again, I had an early morning appointment and it was dark when we fed.  Gulch was feeling good today, he is so funny, when he feels really good he walks away when I start feeding so that he can run and buck when I get to him and pour his grain.  Nilo started on Soybean pellets today.  I haven't had a horse need this new feed regimen, but he is getting a fat belly and loosing his top line.  Hope this helps.  He will also start getting worked a couple times a week.  Lot's of different diets and works when you have 20. It's supposed to be hot Thurs- Sat, then we should be in the 90's until fall.  Feeding and cleaning when it's this hot is really hard and it's hard on the horses, only a couple days left....

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The first thing in the morning I take Bella to her outdoor kennel (Bella is our deaf pit bull), the first horses I see are Hope and Fancy and then Graham and the boys.  When I head to the barn to start feeding I see Careful and look into the pasture to see the horses in the back 5 acres.  Well this morning Red Hot just about gave me a heart attack.  I looked back and Red was all the way in the corner laying down.  My heart always skips a beat when I think I have a sick kid.  I yell  " RED HOT", he looked at me and jumped right up, he ate fine, and is ok.  The connection I have with these amazing animals is so special.  The back 5 crew drank a ton today, all out of the blue bucket.  It was almost empty, the silver trough had plenty of water left, I guess water from the blue bucket looks more refreshing!  Hope did great today, Fancy was a crazy Momma and followed us all around the arena.  Flash is getting better and better on the halter.  Lot's of ants still.  I went into the vacant field to put ant spray so they don't crawl into Hope's area.  Started Rader on Rice Bran pellets, Halo and Enchilada have been on it about a week and are looking great!  Good day!

Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014

Today was a lazy Monday.  Hope and Flash both got the day off.  Everyone drank a good amount of water for it being a cooler day.  The pasture horses were back to normal with Red eating first followed by Evy, Star, Baby and then Dream.  Hay was delivered today along with some grain and salt blocks.  I'll wait till this weekend to give everyone their new salt blocks.  The Peahens got scratch after being out a couple days, they ran right over, they prefer scratch to the Turkey Maintenance which is healthier, but not as tasty.  Penny's feet were ok today.  Careful is a little sore on her back leg from kicking at the geldings.  Halo seems to be doing well in his new area, but I will have to spend some afternoon time out there to see how the cribbing is going.  Tomorrow everyone is back to work!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 24, 2014

Nilo got a both today, he was filthy.  Penny is a little sore on her feet today after spending time out in the arena yesterday.  Halo was moved away from the girls, he is cribbing and I want him alone.  Enchilada went into Red Hot's round pen and Red Hot went out with Evy, Star, Baby and Dream.  Red Hot settled in quickly and everyone is getting along.  Evy ate first, Red Hot second, then Star, Baby and Dream.  Freddie cleaned everyone's water.  Flash drug the lead rope around for the first time and did well.  He kept composed and I think is learning about pressure quickly.  Baby C got his halter back on this morning and had it off by afternoon.  I drug Halo and Enchilada's area as well as Careful's and the whole property. Baby Hope went two laps around the outside of her arena.  Fancy was acting up but Hope was a pro.  I lifted all 4 feet while holding her as well, she is so smart.  In for the night.  Sweet Dreams.